Makerbook - The best free resources for creatives.

Ionicons: The premium icon font for Ionic Framework - image optimisation & base64 encode
Theme Authenticity Checker (TAC)
Timthumb Vulnerability Scanner
Our Available Themes & Templates from the Obox Themes Collection | Obox Themes
Gmail GifLine | Créez votre briefing en 5 étapes
Draft : un outil simple et puissant pour écrire en ligne - Sébastien Bailly
Capian - Évaluez l’utilisabilité plus facilement
15 Plugins Photoshop gratuits pour les web designers
bgMaker ||| Background maker || Tiled Background generator | Web Background maker
Plain Pattern
Repper Patterns — Online Demo
Learn CSS Flexbox
iSketchnote - Numérisez vos Notes, Croquis et Dessins !
Material UI - Material Design React Components
Free game resources - WiMi5
HTML Unicode UTF-8
Primer : Liste de Media Queries
Demos > Input
Prototyping iOS And Android Apps With Sketch (With A Freebie!) - Smashing Magazine
Turn Sketch designs into interactive prototypes
Sketch App Sources - Free graphical resources for Sketch 3 software
Hand-picked free photos for your inspiration - Magdeleine - Page 1
flexbox in 5 minutes
Codepen - animation
Create a new fiddle - JSFiddle