Digital Detox - Environmental

Vanilla List • The Vanilla JavaScript Repository
Excursions - IndieWebify Your Hugo Website
Display contents of open tabs in your file system.
The Whimsical Web
A curated list of sites with an extra bit of fun.
Dark Ages of the Web
Old Web features — frontend and UI patterns
Bash HTTP monitoring dashboard -
GitHub - owncast/owncast: Take control over your live stream video by running it yourself. Streaming chat out of the box.
Learn Basic HTML and HTML5: Say Hello to HTML Elements |
Color Tool - Material Design
Hypertext Style: Cool URIs don't change.
Cool URIs don't change
Lifebits, the Next Corner of Cyberspace? | bavatuesdays
A cartoon intro to DNS over HTTPS - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
This is an excellent article with great pictures explaining the basics of how DNS works and why encrypted DNS services are important.