This week we have yet another fun and simple CSS project for you to hone your coding chops on. This time around we’ll be creating the illusion of a page with one corner that has been folded over. With the power of pseudo elements, we’ll create some CSS triangles that we can the...
Looking for ChatGPT Teaching Advice? Good Pedagogy is Nothing New
There has been a lot of advice around teaching since ChatGPT was released in November. As we are approaching fall term I wanted to curate some of it but also consider it from a critical lens. I agr…
In 2018, I received a grant that supported the adoption of an open educational resource textbook for my Introduction to Advertising large lecture course. Since that time, more than 1,000 students h…
Retro TV: Live 24/7 Vintage Cable TV Network on Raspberry Pi
During the pandemic lockdown, an old iPad became the catalyst for a three-year long passion project: transforming it into a 24/7 recreation (and parody) of 8...
Megadeth Drummer Hears "Mr. Brightside" For The First Time
The Killers go metal? Dirk Verbeuren from Megadeth has a diverse musical background, primarily playing rock and metal but also listening to jazz, fusion, pop...