

Civics of Technology
Civics of Technology
The Civics of Technology Project shares research and curriculum and offers professional development that encourages teachers and students to critically inquire into the effects of technology on our individual and collective lives.
Civics of Technology
Arcade Game Typography - Read-Only Memory
Arcade Game Typography - Read-Only Memory
A definitive and beautifully designed survey of ’70s, ’80s and early ’90s arcade game pixel typography.
Arcade Game Typography - Read-Only Memory
SwiftOnSecurity on Twitter
SwiftOnSecurity on Twitter
I have extensively played with LLM AI (ChatGPT) and Stable Diffusion GNN the last two months. Both in professional (work in IT Security), social media (this account), and creative projects (writing/illustration I'm working on).These are my ~layperson thoughts. 🧵— SwiftOnSecurity (@SwiftOnSecurity) April 20, 2023
SwiftOnSecurity on Twitter
Harvard CS50 – Full Computer Science University Course
Harvard CS50 – Full Computer Science University Course
Learn the basics of computer science from Harvard University. This is CS50, an introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming. 💻 Slides, source code, and more at ⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️ ⌨️ (00:00:00) Lecture 0 - Scratch ⌨️ (01:45:08) Lecture 1 - C ⌨️ (04:13:23) Lecture 2 - Arrays ⌨️ (06:20:43) Lecture 3 - Algorithms ⌨️ (08:37:55) Lecture 4 - Memory ⌨️ (11:03:17) Lecture 5 - Data Structures ⌨️ (13:15:36) Lecture 6 - Python ⌨️ (15:39:25) Lecture 7 - SQL ⌨️ (18:00:55) Lecture 8 - HTML, CSS, JavaScript ⌨️ (20:23:38) Lecture 9 - Flask ⌨️ (22:39:01) Lecture 10 - Emoji ⌨️ (24:02:50) Cybersecurity Recorded in 2021. --- HOW TO JOIN CS50 COMMUNITIES Discord: Ed: Facebook Group: Faceboook Page: GitHub: Gitter: Instagram: LinkedIn Group: LinkedIn Page: Medium: Quora: Reddit: Slack: Snapchat: SoundCloud: Stack Exchange: TikTok: Twitter: YouTube: HOW TO FOLLOW DAVID J. MALAN Facebook: GitHub: Instagram: LinkedIn: TikTok: Twitter: LICENSE CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License 🎉 Thanks to our Champion and Sponsor supporters: 👾 Raymond Odero 👾 Agustín Kussrow 👾 aldo ferretti 👾 Otis Morgan 👾 DeezMaster -- Learn to code for free and get a developer job: Read hundreds of articles on programming:
Harvard CS50 – Full Computer Science University Course
Guide to cPanel Interface Customization - Customize Feature Groups
Guide to cPanel Interface Customization - Customize Feature Groups
With its world-class support and rich feature set, cPanel & WHM has been the industry-leading web hosting platform for over 20 years. Trusted worldwide by our technology partners WordPress, CloudLinux, LiteSpeed, and more.
Guide to cPanel Interface Customization - Customize Feature Groups
How to Create Retina-Caliber Favicons
How to Create Retina-Caliber Favicons
A few months ago I decided to recreate this website’s favicon to support retina-caliber displays. I found this trickier to accomplish than I anticipated, mainly due to a dearth of good ICO-savvy icon creation tools.
How to Create Retina-Caliber Favicons
e2b-dev/e2b: e2b (english2bits) is an IDE powered by AI agents. Developers describe what they want to build by writing documentation. Then let AI agents with access to tools do the coding work.
e2b-dev/e2b: e2b (english2bits) is an IDE powered by AI agents. Developers describe what they want to build by writing documentation. Then let AI agents with access to tools do the coding work.
e2b (english2bits) is an IDE powered by AI agents. Developers describe what they want to build by writing documentation. Then let AI agents with access to tools do the coding work. - e2b-dev/e2b: e...
e2b-dev/e2b: e2b (english2bits) is an IDE powered by AI agents. Developers describe what they want to build by writing documentation. Then let AI agents with access to tools do the coding work.
Feedly launches strikebreaking as a service
Feedly launches strikebreaking as a service
The company claims to have not considered before launch whether their new protest and strike surveillance tool could be misused.
Feedly launches strikebreaking as a service ~ How I Use AI ~ How I Use AI
Commentary on How I Use AI by Stephen Downes. Online learning, e-learning, new media, connectivism, MOOCs, personal learning environments, new literacy, and more
·· ~ How I Use AI
I’m more comfortable with LLMs if I ...
I’m more comfortable with LLMs if I ...
I’m more comfortable with LLMs if I think of them as autocomplete for thinking. They don’t reason and aren’t really AI but they can offer
I’m more comfortable with LLMs if I ...
We updated our RSA SSH host key | The GitHub Blog
We updated our RSA SSH host key | The GitHub Blog
At approximately 05:00 UTC on March 24, out of an abundance of caution, we replaced our RSA SSH host key used to secure Git operations for
We updated our RSA SSH host key | The GitHub Blog
Ye Olde Blogroll -
Ye Olde Blogroll -
You are viewing a humanly curated list of fine personal & independent blogs that are updated regularly. No algorithms ever!
Ye Olde Blogroll -