How to Integrate Lutron Aurora Dimmers With Home Assistant - Share your Projects! - Home Assistant Community
Integrating Lutron Aurora dimmers with Home Assistant can be a little tricky, but it makes them much more powerful. Table of Contents Setting up Zigbee with Home Assistant Conbee II ZHA Pairing Lutron Aurora dimmers with Home Assistant Zigbee Using Lutron Aurora dimmers with Home Assistant Extending the range Conclusion My first goal with Home Assistant was to create the perfect lighting setup for our house. A big part of that goal was making the smart lights fade into the background...
wordpress-at-scale/ at master · pantheon-systems/wordpress-at-scale
Gathering best practices from the community to help developers and site owners find success in scaling WordPress. - pantheon-systems/wordpress-at-scale
The Impact of Jungle Music in 90s Video Game Development
Jungle music was found in countless games from the early 90s. This article goes over what jungle is, where it comes from, and why it was the perfect match for PlayStation & Nintendo 64 games.
I’m a neurology ICU nurse. The creep of AI in our hospitals terrifies me [Michael Kennedy and Isobel Cockerell in Coda Story]Just one example of many of AI being used to take agency away from ordinary workers: "The upshot
I’m a neurology ICU nurse. The creep of AI in our hospitals terrifies me
The healthcare landscape is changing fast thanks to the introduction of artificial intelligence. These technologies have shifted decision-making power away from nurses and on to the robots. Michael Kennedy, who works as a neuro-intensive care nurse in San Diego, believes AI could destroy nurses’ intuition, skills, and training. The result being that patients are left
If WordPress is to survive, Matt Mullenweg must be removed - Josh Collinsworth blog
I believe Matt Mullenweg's abuses of his unilateral, unchecked powers prove that it is in the best interest of the entire WordPress community that he be removed from power immediately.
I had been hearing about this NotebookLM thing for a few days. Someone at the Open Ed conference said it was impressive. Then CogDog gave us a challenge to listen to a nearly two hour recording. Wh…
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