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scottyhardy/docker-wine: Docker image that includes Wine and Winetricks for running Windows applications on Linux and macOS
Wax | What is Wax? Where Wizards Stay Up Late: The Origins of the Internet (Audible Audio Edition): Katie Hafner, Mark Douglas Nelson, Matthew Lyon, Katie Hafner: Books What the Dormouse Said: How the Sixties Counterculture Shaped the Personal Computer Industry: 9780143036760: Markoff, John: Books
Install with Docker compose // Baserow
Essential edtech reading – Amanda Wentworth Schmidt
Welcome to searx — Searx Documentation (Searx-1.0.0.tex)
mickael-kerjean/filestash: 🦄 A modern web client for SFTP, S3, FTP, WebDAV, Git, Minio, LDAP, CalDAV, CardDAV, Mysql, Backblaze, ...
UniFi's Advanced Wi-Fi Settings Explained : Ubiquiti
WACZ Images
Philipp Richter / Steam Deck Tricks · GitLab
How To Dial-In Your Prismo AeroPress® Attachment To Pull The Best Espr – Fellow
20 grams coffee, freshly roasted espresso-blend
50 grams water, boiling (212°F)
Simplest way of passing all host environment variables to docker container - Stack Overflow
There are two ways to use the -e flag: -e VAR=VALUE and -e VAR; if VAR is already exported then the second format will use the exported value without making it publicly readable, plus you don't need to worry about escaping the VALUE against whitespace, quotes, etc.
Setup and Deployment — EaaSI documentation
A trailing edge technologies share-a-thon | Abject
How to install Homebrew package manager Steam
mikeroyal/Steam-Deck-Guide: Steam Deck Guide
Active GitHub Forks
Editing These Docs - MiSTer FPGA Documentation
[no title]
PiFX — Part 2: Electric Boogaloo. In part 1, I showed how my progress of… | by Anthony Tippy @Tibbbbz | Medium
Updated: Pi-FX : A Raspberry Pi-Based Pedal Board | by Anthony Tippy @Tibbbbz | Medium
Using a USB Audio Device with the Raspberry Pi - Raspberry Pi Spy
Neural Networks for Real-Time Audio: Raspberry-Pi Guitar Pedal | by Keith Bloemer | Towards Data Science
Discord Webhook - Discord Webhooks Guide
Postman - Discord Webhooks Guide
A Duct Tape WordPress Plugin for Redirecting Broken Links – CogDogBlog
Useful Way to Taste a WordPress Plugin
wizard zines