Open Source Alternatives to Proprietary Software

Metabase | Open Source Alternative to tableau, Data Studio, Data Visualization
Untrack Folder in Git | Delft Stack
If I add a folder (or file) to .gitignore but I've already made commits that include that folder you have to do this to untrack the folder.
How WordPress and Tumblr are keeping the internet weird - The Verge
Free WordPress Themes – Anders Norén
JonathanTreffler/backblaze-personal-wine-container: Run the Backblaze personal backup client in a docker container
List of Keys (Keyboard, Mouse and Joystick) | AutoHotkey
find key codes by double clicking running ahk script in the tray then:
view - key history
How to Use Docker: Creating Your First Docker Container -
The basics of BASIC, the programming language of the 1980s. - YouTube
Lesson Plans | Learn WordPress
screen Cheat Sheet - Kapeli
attach: screen -x
ultimate attach: screen -dRR
Attaches to a screen session. If the session is attached elsewhere, detaches that other display. If no session exists, creates one. If multiple sessions exist, uses the first one.
CLI tools
Pandemics Essays
OU Create – A Domains Project From the University of Oklahoma
Knowledge Base Archive – The Teaching Knowledge Base
Coventry.Domains Support
WordPress vs Domains of One's Own - Coventry Domains
ssh - Copy files between two docker containers using scp - Stack Overflow
Copying Files To And From Docker Containers | Baeldung
datarhei/restreamer: datarhei/Restreamer allows you to do h.264 real-time video streaming on your website without a streaming provider
PeerTube documentation
if you want to do this in a docker install cd to the dir with your docker-compose.yml then:
docker-compose exec -u peertube peertube npm run prune-storage
How to bash into a docker container - Stack Overflow
docker container ls
docker exec -it CONTAINER_ID bash
Browser warning when closing tab when editing/filling out a form! - Feature Requests - Gravity Forms
var userStartedForm;
jQuery(document).on('focus', '.gform_wrapper input', function(){
userStartedForm = true;
jQuery(window).on('beforeunload', function(){
if(userStartedForm){ return ''; }
CSS Can Influence Screenreaders
Goodbye, friends - YouTube
Next slide, please!
Shutter Encoder
ugly but great media swiss army knife
yt-dlp/yt-dlp: A youtube-dl fork with additional features and fixes
this is that better for youtube-dl