
Nightride FM
Stream synthwave and cyberpunk music from electronic artists producing retrowave, darksynth, ebm, dnb, edm, techno and other electronica in 320kbps.
This page is a straight chronology of web development history. Almost every post published on WDH is focused on a specific year, so you can read through them year-by-year if you wish. There is also…
Display JSON Data in HTML Page (With Examples)
Learn how to fetch and display JSON data in HTML page using JavaScript. We displayed data as a list and a table and showed data on the webpage...
How to Fetch and Display JSON Data in HTML Using JavaScript | How to Create Apps
In this tutorial, I will show you how to fetch and display data from a JSON file using vanilla JavaScript. So how will we achieve…
Blur WordPress User Information Plugin – Bionic Teaching
James Stanley - Nightdrive
Login on a site using urllib
I'm trying to get information from this site , but when i request using urllib.urlopen, its says that i need to login, i was using this code:
import urllib
PHP-FPM Performance Tuning Basics
This resource provides instructions on how to tune performance directives when PHP-FPM is installed and enabled as a PHP handler in cPanel & WHM. Background information on how PHP-FPM is implem...
tholman/cursor-effects: Old-school cursor effects for your browser built with modern JavaScript
Old-school cursor effects for your browser built with modern JavaScript - tholman/cursor-effects: Old-school cursor effects for your browser built with modern JavaScript
Omeka Plugins
“Upgrade from Omeka Classic to Omeka Semantic” is a simple plugin for Omeka 2 that allows to upgrade automatically an installation to Omeka S (records, files, config, themes and some plugins). For missing or new plugins or glitches in themes, or any other need on Omeka and digital libraries, contact me!
Static Site Generator with GUI to build privacy-focused SEO-friendly website
Publii is a Static Site Generator with friendly user interface; a powerful blogging tool for ultra-fast, SEO friendly and secure websites.
On Reshaping: Tooling WordPress with nothing other than it’s URLs
This is the words written as my brow is furrowing. This birdspace thread I was tagged into started with a question from Robin Derosa If my recent blabbed post cast some shade on “promptism…
Indiewebify me! And don't forget my webmentions!
This describes my experiences in getting my website into the IndieWeb, adding microformats, Webmentions and how I sometimes struggled with all of it.
A cartoon intro to DNS over HTTPS - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
This is an excellent article with great pictures explaining the basics of how DNS works and why encrypted DNS services are important.
Lifebits, the Next Corner of Cyberspace? | bavatuesdays
Hypertext Style: Cool URIs don't change.
Cool URIs don't change
Color Tool - Material Design
Learn Basic HTML and HTML5: Say Hello to HTML Elements |
GitHub - owncast/owncast: Take control over your live stream video by running it yourself. Streaming chat out of the box.
Bash HTTP monitoring dashboard -
Dark Ages of the Web
Old Web features — frontend and UI patterns
The Whimsical Web
A curated list of sites with an extra bit of fun.
Display contents of open tabs in your file system.
Excursions - IndieWebify Your Hugo Website
Vanilla List • The Vanilla JavaScript Repository
Digital Detox - Environmental
How to Customize docker-compose Based Jitsi Installation - Root101 | Fundamentals of Linux Administration widgets
Easy Indie App