Mastodon Isn’t Just A Replacement For Twitter | NOEMA
Users flocking to the platform will need to shift their expectations for social media and become engaged democratic citizens in the life of their networks.
The age of Big Social may be ending, as advertisers shift to platforms like TikTok and streaming video that are more like entertainment channels. For many reasons, we say: good riddance. The damage commercial social media has done to politics, relationships and the fabric of society needs undoing. As media scholar Victor Pickard suggests, “Hopefully Twitter’s collapse will lead to a more expansive conversation about the relationships between capitalist imperatives and the communication [and] information needs of democratic societies.”
But the fediverse is not a utopia — it’s just software. Though it facilitates community self-governance, it does not guarantee it
Learning how to self-govern on social media will take time. It will present new kinds of challenges and new crises. But when the alternative is top-down control by unaccountable corporations and capricious billionaires, we have to try.