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Stabilizing GoPro Video with FFmpeg and vid.stab | Important Bits
Stabilizing GoPro Video with FFmpeg and vid.stab | Important Bits
Get the latest binary here if you need it: Step 1: ffmpeg -i SHAKY.MP4 -vf vidstabdetect=stepsize=32:shakiness=10:accuracy=10:result=transform_vectors.trf -f null - Step 2: ffmpeg -i SHAKY.MP4 -vf vidstabtransform=input=transform_vectors.trf:zoom=0:smoothing=10,unsharp=5:5:0.8:3:3:0.4 -vcodec libx264 -tune film -acodec copy -preset slow STABLE.mp4
Stabilizing GoPro Video with FFmpeg and vid.stab | Important Bits