Coventry Domains – Owning your space in a digital world
White House cybersecurity adviser Giuliani took his iPhone to the Genius Bar when he forgot his password / Boing Boing
... 🤔
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Glide ~ Stephen Downes
indiekit ~ Stephen Downes
Machine Learning: Doodle Recognition with Convolutional Neural Network ~ Stephen Downes
A really cool community built quick reference for Linux command line stuff. You can easily get to it in your shell via ‘curl’
Teaching and Learning with Jupyter
Filing this away for myself to check out again when I have more time to play around with Jupyter. This is also a nice example of a book published with github 🙂
Displaying Webmentions with Posts · Amit Gawande
Going to have to try and use this to get webmentions working on this site, which runs Ghost.
A cartoon intro to DNS over HTTPS - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
This is an excellent article with great pictures explaining the basics of how DNS works and why encrypted DNS services are important.
Syllabus – ART 389
@ktries @Autumm I really like this. Particularly the syllabus:
#snclearns #DoOO