

The Computer Chronicles - The Internet | YouTube
The Computer Chronicles - The Internet | YouTube
So cool to see someone describe what a Browser is in 1993. This video also is a really cool showcase of what using pre-web internet services was like. There is even a feature on early video conferencing developed at NASA! Definitely going to use this on during history of the internet next time I teach it.
The Computer Chronicles - The Internet | YouTube
Netflix is ending support for old devices from Samsung, Roku, and Vizio in December
Netflix is ending support for old devices from Samsung, Roku, and Vizio in December
Smart TVs are a mistake. I’ve never liked the idea of relying on a crappy computer built in to an expensive TV, when you could get a much more capable box like an Apple TV that is external and replacable every few years. On top of that not connecting your TV to the internet means the manufacturer can’t sell your viewing habits and history.
Netflix is ending support for old devices from Samsung, Roku, and Vizio in December
A really cool community built quick reference for Linux command line stuff. You can easily get to it in your shell via ‘curl’
Teaching and Learning with Jupyter
Teaching and Learning with Jupyter
Filing this away for myself to check out again when I have more time to play around with Jupyter. This is also a nice example of a book published with github 🙂
Teaching and Learning with Jupyter