I built a huge 5ft Gameboy you can fully play in Web VR - reddit.com/r/OculusQuest

Unraid backup with Borg + Rclone
Need to look in to this later for backing up my home server.
Moving to zsh, part 6 – Customizing the zsh Prompt – Scripting OS X
This whole series is helpful as someone who is begrudingly moving to zsh with the release of Catalina. I still kind of want to just stay with bash though as its what I use on every server I interact with. Zsh is at least similar enough to bash though.
Best Year in Music
A journey through every Billboard top 5 hit to find music’s greatest era.
How the Internet Was Invented | The History of the Internet, Part 1 - YouTube
This resilient Raspberry Pi cyberdeck is made for the end of the world - The Verge
This is so cool. I wish something like this was available as a kit to buy. I have no reason to own something like this, but the nerd in me doesn't care.
The Computer Chronicles - The Internet | YouTube
So cool to see someone describe what a Browser is in 1993. This video also is a really cool showcase of what using pre-web internet services was like. There is even a feature on early video conferencing developed at NASA! Definitely going to use this on digciz.jadin.me during history of the internet next time I teach it.
Laughing OnLine
I love stuff from The Pudding.
A Technical and Cultural Assessment of the Mueller Report PDF | PDF Association
This is a super nerdy look into the Mueller report. It's not evaluating the content of the report, but how or if it holds up as a good PDF document. I guess this type of article makes some sense coming from the PDF ASsociation...
Netflix is ending support for old devices from Samsung, Roku, and Vizio in December
Smart TVs are a mistake. I’ve never liked the idea of relying on a crappy computer built in to an expensive TV, when you could get a much more capable box like an Apple TV that is external and replacable every few years. On top of that not connecting your TV to the internet means the manufacturer can’t sell your viewing habits and history.
Coventry Domains – Owning your space in a digital world
White House cybersecurity adviser Giuliani took his iPhone to the Genius Bar when he forgot his password / Boing Boing
... 🤔
read via https://bionicteaching.com/weekly-web-harvest-for-2019-10-27/
Glide ~ Stephen Downes
indiekit ~ Stephen Downes
Machine Learning: Doodle Recognition with Convolutional Neural Network ~ Stephen Downes
A really cool community built quick reference for Linux command line stuff. You can easily get to it in your shell via ‘curl cheat.sh/ffmpeg’
Teaching and Learning with Jupyter
Filing this away for myself to check out again when I have more time to play around with Jupyter. This is also a nice example of a book published with github 🙂
Displaying Webmentions with Posts · Amit Gawande
Going to have to try and use this to get webmentions working on this site, which runs Ghost.
A cartoon intro to DNS over HTTPS - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
This is an excellent article with great pictures explaining the basics of how DNS works and why encrypted DNS services are important.
Syllabus – ART 389
@ktries @Autumm I really like this. Particularly the syllabus:
#snclearns #DoOO