How to use Dataview and Templater to run JavaScript in Obsidian for automating task management
TIL how to run JavaScript in @obsdmd. A friend of mine had an interesting use case: He had a long reading list from his studies, and wanted to use Obsidian to decide what he could read given a certain amount of time.
TL;DR: Here’s the script. And here’s the end result: Requires: Obsidian. The Dataview and Templater plugins. Also requires a separate markdown page for every chapter or bite-sized section of the book or course, with the metadata time_required in the YAML frontmatter.
Mastodon Comments For Jekyll
I currently use Jekyll to generate my blog posts that you see hosted here. One thing I have wanted was to add a commenting system. Inspired by this recent toot by @joel@fosstodon.org, and as I am a proponent of the Fediverse and a Mastodon user, I took a first stab at setting up comments collected the notes below.
GitHub - apitable/apitable: APITable, the best Airtable open-source alternative and an API-oriented low-code platform for building collaborative apps.
APITable, the best Airtable open-source alternative and an API-oriented low-code platform for building collaborative apps. - GitHub - apitable/apitable: APITable, the best Airtable open-source alte...
DomesDay86 Small Production Run
A fan of the Domesday Duplicator project is currently opening pre-orders on a run of fully assembled and flashed Domesday86 Duplicator kits. These kits, when combined with (and modded into) a compatible player allow a direct image of a LaserDisc to be saved! The project has also evolved to both PAL
Interview with Simon and Chad of the Domesday Duplicator Project
Here's an interview with Simon and Chad of the Domesday Duplicator / LD Decode projects - A combined hardware and software effort to achieve bit-perfect rips of laser discs! In my opinion, this project is extremely important, as aging laserdiscs have a finite lifespan and will soon be lost forever
oyvindln/vhs-decode: Software defined VHS decoder - Fork (maybe temporary) of the ld-decode Laserdisc rf decoder
Software defined VHS decoder - Fork (maybe temporary) of the ld-decode Laserdisc rf decoder - oyvindln/vhs-decode: Software defined VHS decoder - Fork (maybe temporary) of the ld-decode Laserdisc r...