Don't waste time correcting misinformation. Instead, try the "bypassing technique"
The data hinted at racism among white doctors. Then scholars looked again
Although the authors of the original 2020 study had controlled for various factors, they had not included very low birth weight (ie, babies born weighing less than 1,500 grams, who account for about half of infant mortality). Once this was also taken into consideration, there was no measurable difference in outcomes.
How the Malleus maleficarum fueled the witch trial craze
(PDF) Doing the Impossible: Dealing with False Beliefs
This dissertation work can be downloaded from here
Why People Believe Weird Things | Request PDF
Looking at how prejudice is learned, passed— Harvard Gazette
Opinion | How A.I. Chatbots Become Political
The problem behind AI's political 'bias'
Ideology, motivated reasoning, and cognitive reflection | Judgment and Decision Making | Cambridge Core
These are the 3 biggest emerging risks the world is facing
Misbelief: What Makes Rational People Believe Irrationa…
Taiwan’s fight against digital disinformation
Misinformation is the symptom, not the disease
The science of fake news