Satan in the Bible: 14 Sobering Facts about the Devil

Satan, Lucifer, The Devil, etc
Thinking theologically—The devil | Moorlands College
BBC Radio 4 - In Our Time, The Devil
The changing faces of Satan - BBC Teach
What Do We Know about the Devil? | Tabletalk
The Origin of Satan
Where did Satan come from?
What does the devil look like? Historical depictions of Satan
Who Is Satan?
Deal with the Devil - Wikipedia
Iblis - Wikipedia
Mephistopheles - Wikipedia
Beelzebub - Wikipedia
Lucifer - Wikipedia
Satan - Wikipedia
Devil - Wikipedia
How to Summon & Sell your Soul to Satan and other Devils - Hasty Reader
The invention of satanic witchcraft by medieval authorities was initially met with skepticism
The Devil’s Party? - The American Scholar
The catalogue of UK Entrances to Hell
Why belief in 'Limbo' has disappeared in recent decades – Queen's Research