
Being too old Is a beautiful state of mind
Being too old Is a beautiful state of mind
Essentially, deciding that you’re Too Old is deciding that this the right moment for you to choose depth over breadth. ​ Choosing to be Too Old is the selective closing of your heart in certain domains so you can keep it open in others. ​ Not everything that’s amazing is meant for you, and, whether you like it or not, you will miss out on nearly everything. ​ …it’s all about deeply understanding who you are, specifically, and not apologizing for it.
Being too old Is a beautiful state of mind
Walking through doors
Walking through doors
Forgetting is part of how we cope with the monotony of everyday life and how we look at problems in new ways. ​ …my feeling is that the hardware you physically interact with, the things you touch every day, are worth the extra cost. ​ We think it’s our job to align everyone’s flow state with their personal mission at the company.
Walking through doors