
#jeremy-kun #education #math
Teaching Mathematics
Teaching Mathematics
As opposed to a textbook, real maths is highly non-linear. ​ As we will see throughout the post, personalization (and the engagement inherent in it) is essential to the success of the lecture.] ​ [Before the third, I ask the class whether the first two alone are enough. If I get nods, I draw a random collection of dots and lines, with the lines not at all connected to the dots, and they see we need some statement of incidence.] ​ Since we will always draw constellations as a picture, we can just use the picture as our “function.” ​ Compare this to being given the definitions and propositions in the established mathematical language. To an untrained, uninterested student, this is not only confusing, but boring beyond belief! They don’t have the prerequisite intuition for why the definition is needed, and so they are left mindlessly following along at best, and dozing off at worst.
Teaching Mathematics
“Math Twitter, have any favorite tips for making advanced math accessible to wide audiences?”
“Math Twitter, have any favorite tips for making advanced math accessible to wide audiences?”
@JadeMasterMath: There are lots of mathematical concepts which don’t have well written resources to learn about them. I think that explaining something in a clear way with a story arc can sometimes be enough. @jeremyjkun: Write about the topics that you learned, where there was a succinct phrase, picture, or idea that suddenly made it clear. Then arrange the whole blog post around getting the reader to that same understanding.
“Math Twitter, have any favorite tips for making advanced math accessible to wide audiences?”