
How to find focus
How to find focus
So if you feel lost or directionless, instead of making yourself pick a direction while lost at sea, consider drifting for a bit. Try things out. Open the unopened doors. Say yes to a few more things. And then when you feel the winds turning, set your sail to what feels right, indisputably and confidently right. It might take more time, and you might feel behind sometimes, but when you finally set off, you won’t need to look back.
How to find focus
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tv dinners
It also got me thinking, if this is what a current soon-to-be retiree is doing and the precedent for every fifteen year-old with their own iPhone going forward…we’re screwed. I’m screwed if I think I can do good work, take in the world around me, hear myself think, focus on others, and be tied to reality all while having an incredibly addicting, noisy, and distracting ten icons available on my phone to explore at any impulse. List goes on and on…and we all use physical items (branded or not) to tell true, fake, complete, and incomplete stories about who we are or who we wish we are.
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The Complete Guide to Focus
The Complete Guide to Focus
Focus is one of your most valuable resources. It acts as a multiplier on the value of your time. An hour of absorbing focus can be worth ten times that of a distracted one. Unfortunately, focus is also hard. Distractions are everywhere. Even when they aren’t, it can often be difficult to get into a
The Complete Guide to Focus