The Out-Of-Pocket Game Plan
This is going to take years to build, and I don’t want to rush it. Second, I’m a believer that if you make your plans public there’s a much greater chance someone will reach out to help you build it vs. someone who’s going to stop everything they’re doing to copy your idea.
Nikhil Krishnan’s Vöxtur interview
I want to make healthcare a place that people are excited about fixing, and step one of that process is just explaining to people what those problems are. I want to discover how to normalize meeting friends through the internet. Now my view is, “How can I find the right person to help me get through this obstacle?” I think simply spending time with people at your own career level that you think are high potential people and just staying near them and working with them on as many things as possible is the way to go. I think a lot of people try to create a very manicured version of themself online, and then when you meet them offline, there’s this huge delta.
Healthcare, but funny
US healthcare is a joke. Let's make it funny. Out of Pocket is a weekly comedic deep-dive and analysis into the rabbithole that is our healthcare system. Existing healthcare research is dry and boring, and raises questions like: Why are 75% of all healthcare conversations defining what a “digital therapeutic” is?
New York is one of the best cities when things are going well in your life because everyone else has so much energy that you can thrive off them. But, when things aren’t going well, that same energy can make it feel like everyone has their shit togeth
New York is one of the best cities when things are going well in your life because everyone else has so much energy that you can thrive off them But when things aren’t going well, that same energy can make it feel like everyone has their shit together and you don’t Honestly it sort of feels like some sort of social darwinian experiment where only highly resilient people with fantastic stress management can survive for extended periods of time