
Yet Another Year in Review — Year 03.5
Yet Another Year in Review — Year 03.5

“While the first part of my career was me playing a sport on a team and then playing that sport as more of a free agent, I’m now in a period where I’m less interested in any specific sport. Instead, I’m excited to create games I want to play and enlist people I want to play with.”

“Does this feel like something I’m uniquely capable of?”

“Justin Duke phrases this question as "what am I willing to say no to in order to say yes to this?" I love this phrasing and will definitely borrow it in the future.”

“but I need to play the game that’s on the field, not the one that is in my head.”

“With an empty calendar, what am I drawn to? How do I want to spend my time?”

“Every time I open the app, it creates a daily note that’s titled YYYY.MM.DD.HH so that I never have to think about “where to take notes” or “what to call this.” I just open Obsidian and start writing.”

Yet Another Year in Review — Year 03.5
Energy Surfing
Energy Surfing
Rather than fight it — or trying to surf a wave that isn’t there — he encouraged me to harness it. To breathe in the present moment and do the work that was in front of me.
Energy Surfing
Issue 002 — Being in Good Orbits
Issue 002 — Being in Good Orbits
The idea of people orbiting each other appeals to me because it acknowledges that each of us have our own gravitational pulls - things that draw others into us - and that there’s room for many people to exist within these orbits at different distances. It also acknowledges the creative collision or serendipity that exists when people’s paths intersect.
Issue 002 — Being in Good Orbits