
#education #writing
Education is an amble
Education is an amble
“Race to the Top; what a horrid metaphor for education. A race? Everyone is on the same track, seeing how fast they can go? Racing toward what? The top? The top of what? Education is not a race, it’s an amble. Real education only occurs when everyone is ambling along their own path.” —Peter Gray ​ 2. Always work (note, write) from your own interest, never from what you think you should be noting or writing. Trust your own interest.
Education is an amble
“Math Twitter, have any favorite tips for making advanced math accessible to wide audiences?”
“Math Twitter, have any favorite tips for making advanced math accessible to wide audiences?”
@JadeMasterMath: There are lots of mathematical concepts which don’t have well written resources to learn about them. I think that explaining something in a clear way with a story arc can sometimes be enough. @jeremyjkun: Write about the topics that you learned, where there was a succinct phrase, picture, or idea that suddenly made it clear. Then arrange the whole blog post around getting the reader to that same understanding.
“Math Twitter, have any favorite tips for making advanced math accessible to wide audiences?”