
The thesis after your thesis
The thesis after your thesis
Negotiating the ambition of our ideas with the reality of our constraints requires a heightened level of honesty with ourselves, our process, and our work. And the challenge with reality is that we may not like what it has to say, and so learning to respect it takes some time and practice. If you don’t know what it is you want to do, don’t worry about it, and don’t feel like you need to have an answer for everything. People will like you more as a result. Besides, you make your path by walking.
The thesis after your thesis
Gather Your People
Gather Your People
The problem is that if you’re not reflecting, you’re not learning. And if you’re not learning, it’s quite easy to get stuck or to find you’re working on the wrong thing. Reflection is like sleep—you need it but you tend to only appreciate it after you’ve had it. You could poll everyone, but honestly it’s easier to just pick a date and see what happens.
Gather Your People
Teach the 1K
Teach the 1K
The event will take place in February 2019, and the deadline to apply is November 8th. If you are interested, but can't make it to NYC, please fill out the "can't make it" form on our site as we'd love to hear from you:— Gary Chou (@garychou) October 22, 2018
Teach the 1K