
Who Would I Be Without Instagram?
Who Would I Be Without Instagram?
With Instagram, self-defining and self-worth-measuring spilled over into the rest of the day, eventually becoming my default mode. I would keep scrolling as though the cure for how I felt was at the bottom of my feed. The landscapes I once Photoshopped my way into were materializing around me. There were a million versions of all of us running around in one another’s heads.
Who Would I Be Without Instagram?
Love in the Time of Instagram
Love in the Time of Instagram
it's just so much easier for us to broadcast our love now. ​ He is ambivalent about the medium of social photography, arguing that the technology is only a tool that exposes existing fractures in the community and the self. ​ As Jean Baudrillard predicted in the middle of the 20th century, the camera went from changing the way we remember to changing the way we see. ​ To my son and daughters, when you read this one day: I see you and I love you with that eye too.
Love in the Time of Instagram
“…perpetually rediscovering that every identity is ‘manufactured’ and ‘effortless identity’ requires even more effort (and cognitive dissonance) to sustain”
“…perpetually rediscovering that every identity is ‘manufactured’ and ‘effortless identity’ requires even more effort (and cognitive dissonance) to sustain”
seems like teenagers are perpetually rediscovering that every identity is "manufactured" and "effortless identity" requires even more effort (and cognitive dissonance) to sustain— Rob Horning (@robhorning) April 24, 2019
“…perpetually rediscovering that every identity is ‘manufactured’ and ‘effortless identity’ requires even more effort (and cognitive dissonance) to sustain”
Instagram’s CEO
Instagram’s CEO
“That is why I mark April 9, 2012, as the day yesterday became inevitable. Letting Facebook build the business may have made Systrom and Krieger rich and freed them to focus on product, but it made Zuckerberg the true CEO, and always, inevitably, CEOs call the shots.”
Instagram’s CEO
The Audacity of Copying Well
The Audacity of Copying Well
“The problem with focusing on features as a means of differentiation is that nothing happens in a vacuum: category-defining products by definition get a lot of the user experience right from the beginning, and the parts that aren’t perfect — like Facebook’s sharing settings or the iPhone’s icon-based UI — become the standard anyways simply because everyone gets used to them.”
The Audacity of Copying Well