
“Most profound thing I've learned in the past eight years is the difference between behavior and intention. Behavior is what someone is doing, intention is why they're doing it. You judge yourself based on your intention, and everyone else based on thei
“Most profound thing I've learned in the past eight years is the difference between behavior and intention. Behavior is what someone is doing, intention is why they're doing it. You judge yourself based on your intention, and everyone else based on thei
Most profound thing I've learned in the past eight years is the difference between behavior and intention. Behavior is what someone is doing, intention is why they're doing it.You judge yourself based on your intention, and everyone else based on their behavior.— Sahil Lavingia (@shl) March 21, 2019
“Most profound thing I've learned in the past eight years is the difference between behavior and intention. Behavior is what someone is doing, intention is why they're doing it. You judge yourself based on your intention, and everyone else based on thei