
#joe-groff #effects #fused-effects
The Either monad specifically only models early exit on Left without resumption. You’d need something more powerful like Cont to be able to resume. There are Haskell libraries that provide extensible effects using free monads
The Either monad specifically only models early exit on Left without resumption. You’d need something more powerful like Cont to be able to resume. There are Haskell libraries that provide extensible effects using free monads
The Either monad specifically only models early exit on Left without resumption. You'd need something more powerful like Cont to be able to resume. There are Haskell libraries that provide extensible effects using free monads, like— Joe Groff (@jckarter) July 21, 2019
The Either monad specifically only models early exit on Left without resumption. You’d need something more powerful like Cont to be able to resume. There are Haskell libraries that provide extensible effects using free monads