
Appropriate fear
Appropriate fear
A little bit of fear is motivating. It doesn’t mean you're scared. It means you’re smart. I didn’t try to push the stress out of my mind. It felt right to be anxious about an interview, to me, it signaled that I cared. Care is an essential part of doing anything worthwhile. I also owe it to my partner at El Cap to do my best work, over communicate, admit mistakes openly, celebrate wins, and reflect on how we can improve together.
Appropriate fear
The Yet Mindset
The Yet Mindset
When we evaluate operators to partner with, I'm always trying to understand if they have a yet mindset. Are they intimidated or invigorated by the challenge of doing things for the first time? Does not knowing how to do something lead them towards action or inaction? Are they quick to acknowledge when they need to ask for help and leverage others around them, or do they turn inwards and shut down? None of us are perfect at this, but there are certainly people who are more inclined to meet new challenges head on, not just because it is the best option, but because it is the only option.
The Yet Mindset
“off topic but a couple of records that came out this month that i love so much”
“off topic but a couple of records that came out this month that i love so much”
Kunal’s thoughts on qualifying tweets outside your normal “realm” with “off topic” (the bookmarked tweet being an example). Don’t think it’s necessary at all, but also understand why people do it. If you know/believe that people are following you for a specific reason, then understandable [to] qualify it. Some people use Twitter to exist as full people—all things they are interested in and care about are fair game. Others are much more focused on a specific passion or something that aligns with their career. FWIW, I prefer the former kind of person in almost every case. The same drumbeat gets boring after a while.
“off topic but a couple of records that came out this month that i love so much”