
#molly-brodak #poetry
Molly Brodak: In Memoriam
Molly Brodak: In Memoriam
“Love someone back,” she wrote in a poem that I read the first day I realized I already loved her and always would. “You just begin.” So I began. Sometimes if I close my eyes, I can go back into that moment, finding the colors now reflected against the flesh under my lids; I can imagine her posture and her size, her eyes wide open, taking it in; and then, whether it actually happened then or not, her shoulder at my shoulder, her left hand slipped into my right hand, forever there.
Molly Brodak: In Memoriam
Molly Brodak’s “To The Other Person I Am Right Before I Fall Asleep”
Molly Brodak’s “To The Other Person I Am Right Before I Fall Asleep”
Yet it’s close. It feels like a new suit or sheet. You are good to everyone and you don't care. Knowing pillows of smoke and a yawn's opulence. I am happy for you. I wish you would go away. And recognize your dad, that tiny figure raking leaves. And hear me out. And hear me out. Listen. --- And recognize your dad, that tiny figure raking leaves. And hear me out. And hear me out. Listen.
Molly Brodak’s “To The Other Person I Am Right Before I Fall Asleep”