
Morning moon
Morning moon
1) the full moon can be glorious, but it's really the moon phasing in and out that is the most interesting to me 2) morning moons sometimes beat evening moons, especially when they hang big and low by the horizon and startle you when you turn a corner or come out from under the shade
Morning moon
Fly Me to the Moonmoon
Fly Me to the Moonmoon
"Moonmoon is an example of the linguistic process of reduplication, which is often deployed in English to make things more cute and whimsical. In the pure form of reduplication, you get words like bonbon, choo-choo, bye-bye, there there, and moonmoon but relaxing the rules a little to incorporate rhymes and near-rhymes yields hip-hop, zig-zag, fancy-shmancy, super-duper, pitter-patter, and okey-dokey. And with contrastive reduplication, in which a word repeats as a modifier to itself"
Fly Me to the Moonmoon