
Exterior mindfulness (some call it minimalism) only works when we solve for enough.
Your other account balance
Your other account balance
The problem, and it’s obvious, is that whatever sucks that I’m running away from will be there once I stop working. or doing things like not being available on the weekends, because they’re the weekends.
Your other account balance
Do we have to love our work?
Do we have to love our work?
But really I work not because it's super-happy-fun-time each and every time I turn on my computer, but because if I do a bit of work first, then I have the freedom to not work later.
Do we have to love our work?
“But I want to save the world”
“But I want to save the world”
So the answer and idea here is nuanced and more of an “it depends” than anything else. ​ we tend to forget that every single digit represent individual people. If you gathered them in a room, and spoke to each one, you’d probably feel a whole lot different about how large your positive impact is than simply viewing that number in a spreadsheet.
“But I want to save the world”
what even matters
what even matters
My own writing and knowledge exists to help you find ways to think about the problems only you can solve and questions to ask yourself to figure out how to proceed. ​ Asking for help or guidance isn’t wrong, it’s just not always required to proceed.
what even matters
The myth of passive income
The myth of passive income
I never make products because I want to make money while I sleep or hear beeps on my phone alerting me of sales, while I sit around in my underpants. I make products because I enjoy making things and providing value to others. I also make products because I enjoy actively doing work. I don’t care about the easy road or hacking the system to make money without effort. I like making money because there’s effort involved. It’s hard work, and it feels good.
The myth of passive income