
How to Eulogize an Animal
How to Eulogize an Animal
You can tell that the poet misses his pet, misses this unique relationship in his life that—itself like a star—helped orient him on certain too-quiet nights when he was lost at sea. It is a marvelous demonstration of how to write about animals: by using specific memories, and not anthropomorphizing them to such a degree that they lose their essential dogginess or catness or mongooseness, but, instead, by recognizing their striking, sometimes sublime differences from us, alongside their similarities. ​ Sometimes, it is enough, as Neruda understood, to have someone look at us to remind us we exist, and that someone, or something, cares that we do. ​ listening with drooping eyes and the occasional blustery sneeze.) He was wonderfully just-there, an uncritical receptacle for my childhood loneliness.
How to Eulogize an Animal
Trying to come up with a grand theory about what makes a good pet name. What are your favorites? (Recently, I met a Pomeranian named Potato and it was ideal for reasons I can't fully identify.)
Trying to come up with a grand theory about what makes a good pet name. What are your favorites? (Recently, I met a Pomeranian named Potato and it was ideal for reasons I can't fully identify.)
Trying to come up with a grand theory about what makes a good pet name. What are your favorites? (Recently, I met a Pomeranian named Potato and it was ideal for reasons I can't fully identify.)— Rowan Hisayo Buchanan (@RowanHLB) May 16, 2019
Trying to come up with a grand theory about what makes a good pet name. What are your favorites? (Recently, I met a Pomeranian named Potato and it was ideal for reasons I can't fully identify.)
Soft Places
Soft Places
The night of the election, at 3am, New York was the quietest I had ever heard it, absolutely silent, but it didn’t feel at all like being alone. The silence was stuffed to bursting with presence, built out of all the other people awake and not making noise, people standing in the nowhere of a moment further into the future than they thought they’d ever have to get, the sound of thousands of champagne corks stuffed firm in their bottles, un-propelled. Pulling yourself out of the maelstrom and observing, for once a spectator rather than an actor, briefly relieved of consequence, as though you could pass ghostlike through the mass and volume of bodies and no one would feel a thing. No one could embrace you and walls couldn’t hold you. A pet is the image of a more merciful world, a life made only of tenderness. I always tell him, because another one of the reasons to have a cat, to care for an animal, is to get to say things that sappy and awful, to be allowed to be un-nuanced and unsophisticated, to love in an absolutely uncritical and un-rigorous way.
Soft Places