
Reactive Cocoa Developer Conference • Panel Q&A and Discussion
Reactive Cocoa Developer Conference • Panel Q&A and Discussion
The full panel Q&A and discussion with Josh Abernathy, Justin Spahr-Summers, Uri Baghin, Dave Lee, and Jon Sterling from the 2014 Reactive Cocoa Developer Conference hosted by GitHub. As always, feel free to leave us a comment below and don't forget to subscribe: Thanks! Connect with us. Facebook: Twitter: Google+: LinkedIn: About GitHub GitHub is the best place to share code with friends, co-workers, classmates, and complete strangers. Millions of people use GitHub to build amazing things together. For more info, go to
Reactive Cocoa Developer Conference • Panel Q&A and Discussion
Productivity and Promises
Productivity and Promises
There is, of course, a connection between your character and your follow-through. But this has gotten blurry. Because many “productive type things” get thrust upon us by other people. People who have expectations which they’ve projected upon us without our consent!
Productivity and Promises