
Homesteading the Twittersphere
Homesteading the Twittersphere
So the optimal thing for you to do, whether you’re an open source software developer or a Twitter armchair analyst, is to figure out your specialty zone that’s simultaneously useful, but unique – and then homestead it. Establish and cultivate it, like a garden or a plot of land, that you’re tending for the communal benefit of everyone. People come to associate that little plot of land with you specifically, and think of you whenever they go near it.
Homesteading the Twittersphere
Or rather, I think it may be more of a reflection of our insecurity. […] Have we ever sorted out a v1 draft to these types of questions?
thursday thoughts
thursday thoughts
I’m confident about the inputs. That’s my line. That’s a daily thought and frame of mind. Where I get scared is…maybe I am deluding myself and using the inputs as a self-defensive mechanism.
thursday thoughts
New behaviors create new graphs. New graphs don’t necessarily create new behaviors. What you’ve got to develop is a passing comet that can fly-by Saturn with a uniquely better offering. This offering is giving Saturn orbiters a chance to do something they can’t do at all today. It’s not about making what they can do slightly better or easier, it’s giving them a path to something bold and unmet.
Buckets and Buffering
Buckets and Buffering
Ways to contribute to an operation in two rough buckets: Determine the work to be done. Do the work. Player-coaches fit right between the two. When you are determining the work, I think of it as being the DJ. You and/or a team are choosing what track to play, for how long, in what sequence, and at what time. This enables the individuals you manage to go and actually play that song.
Buckets and Buffering
tv dinners
tv dinners
It also got me thinking, if this is what a current soon-to-be retiree is doing and the precedent for every fifteen year-old with their own iPhone going forward…we’re screwed. I’m screwed if I think I can do good work, take in the world around me, hear myself think, focus on others, and be tied to reality all while having an incredibly addicting, noisy, and distracting ten icons available on my phone to explore at any impulse. List goes on and on…and we all use physical items (branded or not) to tell true, fake, complete, and incomplete stories about who we are or who we wish we are.
tv dinners
answer sheets
answer sheets
No one knows the right answer. I certainly don’t. I just know that I’m wise enough now to stop, think aloud, and as myself and others — is this what we really need to be doing now?
answer sheets
All this could happen and I wouldn’t necessarily barge through the apartment door and share that. It takes a nudge or a simple question from Nick for me to feel comfortable on a social level unleashing the 4 min story. “What's up,” “how’s it going,” “I had a weird day today, how ‘bout you?” is all that it takes. Just a simple prodding and boom, here comes the story. If he doesn't ask that because he’s busy coding, relaxing, or cooking, it won’t come up.
dashes lines
dashes lines
Something I’ve been thinking about is how pre-programmed an action can feel. How long does the sequence take and is it consistently the same one?
dashes lines
Independent Conviction
Independent Conviction
In our personal lives, many of us let these types of emotions rule our choices. Think about how many times you and your friends have told a close friend to quit their job/get out of a relationship/stand up for themselves/do something else risky. Instead of following what everyone is saying, often people defy the advice of the people closest to them and trust their gut (whether it’s right or wrong is irrelevant). ​ My friend Ryan is famous for saying “confident about the inputs” and that’s kind of all many of us have. Take your inputs, your external data points, and your internal thoughts, and iterate on your stances.
Independent Conviction
“it’s not necessarily ‘discord’ - just think light and fast group chat. you all would love to be at the same bar debating and thinking just can’t so replicate that level of casualness and velocity in a chat. tweets ain’t it”
“it’s not necessarily ‘discord’ - just think light and fast group chat. you all would love to be at the same bar debating and thinking just can’t so replicate that level of casualness and velocity in a chat. tweets ain’t it”
it’s not necessarily ‘discord’ - just think light and fast group chat. you all would love to be at the same bar debating and thinking just can’t so replicate that level of casualness and velocity in a chat. tweets ain’t it— ryan dawidjan (@ryandawidjan) December 7, 2018
“it’s not necessarily ‘discord’ - just think light and fast group chat. you all would love to be at the same bar debating and thinking just can’t so replicate that level of casualness and velocity in a chat. tweets ain’t it”
“so many intense and lively twitter debates should just be held in an ephemeral read-only discord channel a lot of real-time nuance, dialogue, and clarification are lost in these monster threads”
“so many intense and lively twitter debates should just be held in an ephemeral read-only discord channel a lot of real-time nuance, dialogue, and clarification are lost in these monster threads”
so many intense and lively twitter debates should just be held in an ephemeral read-only discord channela lot of real-time nuance, dialogue, and clarification are lost in these monster threads— ryan dawidjan (@ryandawidjan) December 7, 2018
“so many intense and lively twitter debates should just be held in an ephemeral read-only discord channel a lot of real-time nuance, dialogue, and clarification are lost in these monster threads”
On screenshots and conversation
On screenshots and conversation
“was emailing with a friend about screenshots of conversation and how they change what we feel comfortable saying and to whom. the next time you're thinking of saying something, just convey that you've already said it.”
On screenshots and conversation
I must have missed that
I must have missed that
“However, I think this is more a case of accommodation rather than intended design. Group chat is simply a series of free pipes distributed via an app for you to send images and text through. ‘You’ as a group get to decide what is ok, normal, and expected to be shared. Rarely is it ever an explicit ‘decision’.”
I must have missed that
Learnings from Ketch (so far)
Learnings from Ketch (so far)
“thoughts from the past few weeks - think a lot of folks confuse the terms: social, messaging, communication, and consumer - you're stuck in blue bubble purgatory as friends until you have a synchronous convo 🗣 or IRL coffee - calendar battleship is a real drag for everyone”
Learnings from Ketch (so far)