Jordan Cooper’s background (and on Pace) video
Letter #19: Feeling less is not feeling better
I rewound, and listened to that sentence three times: Feeling less is not feeling better. Feeling less is not feeling better. Feeling less is not feeling better.
The Electric Pinball Machine
“If you’re not doing everything in your power to live in this electrifying pinball machine all the time then what are you even DOING WITH YOURSELF?”
Pamela’s lockdown in NYC post
Splash #126 — Focus on the feeling
The thing about numbers
Because it’s not really about the bike, or about my leaderboard ranking in a HIIT class or whatever—it’s about finding a crumb of control in a world that sometimes feels very much outside of my control.
Simon Doty’s Coda, Toronto set
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Simon Doty celebrates his new 'Dear Ben EP' with a DJ set from Coda, Toronto.
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Mirror of quote #425
The feeling that you are stupider than you were is what finally interests you in the really complex subjects of life: in change, in experience, in the ways other people have adjusted to disappointment and narrowed ability. You realize that you are no prodigy, your shoulders relax, and you begin to look around you, seeing local color unrivaled by blue glows of algebra and abstraction.
The end of Get Real
Guessing 2/3rds of the average game
Questioning therapy’s perpetual present
For these patients, the therapeutic womb and its perpetual present can be a blessed gift, an investment that makes extension into the future possible again... a bit later. But most of us are not so tightly past-bound. Instead, our past tethers us with loose reins, or we hold the past lightly in one hand as we reach towards the future with the other. Future-oriented clients may not be best-served by even friendly and warm invitations to wallow in the present.
The mediant inequality
Illustrating the mediant inequality with batting averages and giving a simple proof.
Letters to Summer #50
Day 69: One thing after another
An indie maker's journey to ramen profitability
Taylor’s thought garden
🌱 A fertile, personal plot to plant, cultivate, and nurture ideas - GitHub - jthodge/thought-garden: 🌱 A fertile, personal plot to plant, cultivate, and nurture ideas
Brandon’s example of a recursive parser
Hello there, I know TCA is where most of your efforts are these days, but I've been rewatching your parsing collection and have run into a block. I'm hoping you can get me past that...
Splash No. 124 — Writer’s block
With these newsletters and most things I write, I don’t know where I’m going — I generally start with an idea or an experience and explore from there.
KRAZAM — Paranormal Hardware
laptop bad
// merch:
Guardian spirits
Back in January, I decided that my new notebook needed a guardian spirit to watch over things. Emily Dickinson seemed right. I felt like Emily D kept a good watch, so when I finished that notebook, I decided to continue the practice. I burned through 8 notebooks this year, so I had to pick 8 spirits...
Kidnap: How I Wrote ‘Silence’
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Release Date: 2nd October 2020
London based producer Kidnap reflects on his lockdown experience and how it influenced his introspective new single ’Silence’.
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Exterior mindfulness (some call it minimalism) only works when we solve for enough.
xkcd: Chemist Eggs
Misfits — A Working Library
Disability in part results when the shape of the world—buildings and streets but also institutions, cultural organizations, centers of power—operates rigidly, with a brittle and scripted sense of what a body does or does not do, how it moves and organizes its world.
A short note on debuggers
Matthew Conlen is a computer science Ph.D. candidate at the University of Washington.
Engineering vs. Economics (a response)
Last week, Russ Roberts (of ever excellent Econtalk) wrote a blog post about economics and engineering. I was surprised by how much I disagreed, though not in the way you might expect. His point: looking at the economy isn’t anything like an engineering problem. The economy is complex and emergent while...
The Rude Priest — The Map is Mostly Water
Dear friends, there is a tale: Once a country priest was so rude that when riding his horse on the narrow road, he would shout at passer-bys coming his way as soon as he could spot them: “Be gone! Go off! Out of the way! Here comes the priest!” One day he was shouting at a person quite far off, but as he rode closer it became apparent that the traveler happened to be the king himself. The priest quickly grew quiet, cast his glance downwards, and pulled on his hood to conceal his face. As the king’s horse strode past, it was the priest who moved off the road. But instead of passing, the King stopped and turned to him, saying, “Tomorrow you shall come see me at my country palace. If you cannot answer three questions, then on behalf of your pride, you shall lose your hood and gown.”
The spell checkers agenda
The piece above is part of a series called Pluralism by artist Deborah Roberts -- it's a collage of dozens of Black names marked as misspelled by Microsoft Word's built-in spell checker. I don't know about you, but thi
Relax for the same result
#138: The Wild Silence
The current pattern, however temporary, of withholding more personal and subcultural information from the Internet, despite its unpleasant cause, might accidentally reintroduce a bygone paradigm that the Internet itself is structurally incapable of encouraging, one of silence and even mystery. That sounds a bit like a Dark Age, yes, but hasn’t the world become a bit overilluminated?
39: Internet Learning Homesteading
While websites are really good for giving you a “presence” on the internet, I think they’re really powerful as tools not just to broadcast your identity, but to help you develop it. The things that we’re all learning today are rich, multimedia, and hyperlinked. You need to be working in the appropriate medium to try and keep up with that. The Recurse Center community has the Blaggerator, a RSS aggregator that creates topics in Zulip, that’s a really useful piece of community infrastructure. It basically gives you an audience for your writing that you know cares about the subject matter and shares your values.