
A Text Renaissance
A Text Renaissance
I think my limit for open-loop writing is about 14k words. For the book on temporality I’m working on now, I’ll probably serialize it online in some form before trying to put it together as a book. ​​ All in all, it was a wonderful outpouring of deep reserves of creativity and knowledge, the likes of which I haven’t seen online in a long time. ​ Twitter is where all the history-making, universe-denting social media action really is. It is as close to a pure ideas-commons/digital public as we’ll ever get. ​ Email today is now less a communications medium than a communications compile target.
A Text Renaissance
Letter 33
Letter 33
(Did you know you could play video games in the morning before work? I certainly didn’t. But you can.) I still struggle with instinct, the motivation to do the most, the feeling that I’m not a good reader if I’m not cycling through new books every few days. I want to keep slowing down, and keep giving words the time they deserve.
Letter 33
My Therapist by John Maradik
My Therapist by John Maradik
ISSUE SIX features fiction by Christopher Higgs, Jennifer Kronovet, Kyle Minor, Mark Jude Poirier, and Maura Stanton; creative nonfiction by Priscilla Becker, Jehanne Dubrow, and Emily O’Neill; film writing by J.M. Tyree; poetry by Diannely Antigua, Sandra Beasley, Molly Bendall, Jericho Brown, Heat
My Therapist by John Maradik
Healthcare, but funny
Healthcare, but funny
US healthcare is a joke. Let's make it funny. Out of Pocket is a weekly comedic deep-dive and analysis into the rabbithole that is our healthcare system. Existing healthcare research is dry and boring, and raises questions like: Why are 75% of all healthcare conversations defining what a “digital therapeutic” is?
Healthcare, but funny
In Boozy Portland, Andy McMillan Wants to Open the City’s First Completely Non-Alcoholic Bar
In Boozy Portland, Andy McMillan Wants to Open the City’s First Completely Non-Alcoholic Bar
In January, when McMillan announced his intention to open Suckerpunch, Portland’s first entirely zero-proof bar, the response was similarly overwhelming. Within days, hundreds of people signed up for the bar’s mailing list, and a preview event at Roseline Coffee in February sold out in advance.
In Boozy Portland, Andy McMillan Wants to Open the City’s First Completely Non-Alcoholic Bar
Narrative Strategy
Narrative Strategy
it’s interesting to note how powerful it can be to have an actual writer crafting narrative strategy. Articulation is the first product
Narrative Strategy
k-, skew-, super-, and sub-diagonals
k-, skew-, super-, and sub-diagonals
The general term for any diagonal going top-left to bottom-right direction is 𝑘-diagonal where 𝑘 is an offset form the main diagonal. 𝑘 = 1 is the superdiagonal, 𝑘 = 0 is the main diagonal, and ��� = −1 is the subdiagonal. According to Mathworld, the general term for the antidiagonals seems to be skew-diagonals.
k-, skew-, super-, and sub-diagonals
Chess with the Devil
Chess with the Devil
acceding that temporary ugliness is an essential feature of doing mathematics; you can’t build cathedrals without putting up scaffolds. ​ secrets the erasers and wastebaskets of mathematicians could tell us, if only they could talk!
Chess with the Devil
Reducers are monoids on functions
Reducers are monoids on functions
Reducers -- a tool for handling state changes -- help engineers manage complexity in their applications. But why is this such a great tool for managing this complexity? In this post, we'll figure out the underlying power of reducers by exploring monoids on functions and learn some more formal terms in the process. All code examples will be presented in OCaml, ReasonML, TypeScript, Haskell, and Swift.
Reducers are monoids on functions
Why the World’s Best Mathematicians Are Hoarding Chalk
Why the World’s Best Mathematicians Are Hoarding Chalk
Once upon a time, not long ago, the math world fell in love ... with a chalk. But not just any chalk! This was Hagoromo: a Japanese brand so smooth, so perfect that some wondered if it was made from the tears of angels. Pencils down, please, as we tell the tale of a writing implement so irreplaceable, professors stockpiled it. SUBSCRIBE: #Chalk #Teacher #Smooth This story is a part of our Human Condition series. Come along and let us connect you to some of the most peculiar, stirring, extraordinary, and distinctive people in the world. Follow us behind the scenes on Instagram: Make our acquaintance on Facebook: Give us a shout on Twitter: Come hang with us on Vimeo:
Why the World’s Best Mathematicians Are Hoarding Chalk
Le Youth’s Audio San Francisco set
Le Youth’s Audio San Francisco set
Enjoy this? Please Subscribe: For more Le Youth: LE YOUTH brought his new PRGRSSN show to San Francisco, showcasing a fresh, new direction for his sound. Tune in and experience his deeper side live from Audio San Francisco The performance showcased the new direction of his sound, integrating analog technology into his deep progressive house. With minimal visual distractions, the focus lays directly on the music. As the site of one of his favorite past Mixmag events, Le Youth felt Audio would be the perfect place to exhibit this new experience. Inspired by artists like Eric Prydz, Lane 8, Joris Voorn, and Stephan Bodzin, his sound continues to develop. His latest track, ‘Obvious’ delivered a collaboration with Adam Rom that blended orchestral notes with dance-pop. The instrumental ‘Aquiver’ EP was released last year on Lane 8’s This Never Happened label which Le Youth has said is his “best work to date”.
Le Youth’s Audio San Francisco set
19: Internet friends
19: Internet friends
A pause...and then I saw him pop up on my screen, eyes warm and crinkling, smiling widely. “Ahhhhh, there you are!” he beamed, clearly thrilled to see me. It made me happy. He was right: it didn’t feel like a proper reunion until we saw each others' faces. ​ My internet friendships look a lot like my IRL friendships, but they lack corporeality, are impossible for me to get my fingers around. When we hang out in person, our offline interactions look a lot like our online ones: talking, analyzing, processing, thinking out loud, asking questions, reflecting, words, words, words. Our brains are directly wired into one another. Our bodily expressions are confined to heart-eyes, wow, angery, cry, or whichever limited faces our messaging apps allow us to make. We blow blue bubbles at each other. We convey our emotions through slang and punctuation, express our love through memes. ​ Robin talks about making a messaging app for his family, with a grand total of four users, and the joy of building things just for yourself, much like a home cook as opposed to a professional chef.
19: Internet friends