
Exporting .png’s from TikZ
Exporting .png’s from TikZ
For things like papers, tutorials, books, LaTeX is still where it's at, but for HTML I'd like to be able to do things like commutative diagr...
Exporting .png’s from TikZ
what a hobby feels like
what a hobby feels like
I think that’s what a hobby is supposed to feel like: not an obligation, but a state you’re always returning to. It doesn’t have to be expensive, it doesn’t have to be organized, it doesn’t have to depend on other people. It just has to be yours.
what a hobby feels like
Adjunctions as a way to relate two objects (from possibly different categories).
Adjunctions as a way to relate two objects (from possibly different categories).
An adjunction is a way to relate two objects a and c, but not directly: C(a,c) Instead, we get two maps, (L)eft and (R)ight, which allow to relate them: C(L(a),c) A(a,R(c)) 1/n The means that there's a pair of arrows, one in each direction, that these two hom-sets are isomorphic. The first example given is currying: a function in two arguments is equivalent to a function of one argument returning another function in the remaining argument. 2/n We can write this like so: C(a✕b,c) C(a,c^b) where L = _✕b, and R = _^b.
Adjunctions as a way to relate two objects (from possibly different categories).
What is the Xena project?
What is the Xena project?
Finally, I am concerned about the state of pure mathematics research. More and more, results depend on theorems whose proofs are unpublished or sketchy (or even, in places, incorrect). We rely more and more on unnamed teams of experts who have a sufficiently broad overview of an area to be able to tell us with confidence which papers can be trusted. Fashions change, people desert areas, and I am genuinely scared that we are leaving a mess behind in some areas. There are some theorems whose proofs might be difficult or impossible to reconstruct in 20 years’ time.
What is the Xena project?
This past year has been spent trying to figure out how to stop chasing things endlessly – in work, in accolades, in likes, in what others have that I also want but that maybe I can’t quite explain why I want. To be confident in knowing that whatever comes, will come.
Charlotte de Witte’s Tunnel set
Charlotte de Witte’s Tunnel set
Charlotte de Witte live DJ-set at Studio Brussel in Belgium on November 15th, 2019. // SUBSCRIBE:
Charlotte de Witte’s Tunnel set
Amelie Lens’ Tunnel set
Amelie Lens’ Tunnel set
Amelie Lens’ Tunnel set
Two Poems by Kate Angus
Two Poems by Kate Angus
Poems "Tell me about last night" and "Thirteen years and this is what you are to me now" by Augury Books founding editor Kate Angus.
Two Poems by Kate Angus
Introducing: Leaving Laurel
Introducing: Leaving Laurel
Pre-order Leaving Laurel's debut album: Buy/Stream 'sometimes it's scary... / Need Little, Want Less: Follow Anjunadeep New Releases: Listen to Anjunadeep Radio 24/7: ---- “Something about that sound and house pulled us back together, giving us a new chapter as friends and collaborators”. We take a look behind the scenes as we welcome Leaving Laurel to the Anjunadeep fold. Their debut release 'sometimes it’s scary…but it’s still just you and me / Need Little, Want Less' is out now. ----- Follow Anjunadeep: Youtube: Website: Facebook: Twitter: Spotify: Instagram: SoundCloud: Reddit: Twitch: Discord:
Introducing: Leaving Laurel
The Lesson of Grace in Teaching
The Lesson of Grace in Teaching
For them the videos were a grace they didn’t have to earn. I like to tell them the struggle is the more interesting place to be: because a healthy confusion is where the real learning begins. In fact, failing a student CAN be done with grace, so that the student understands their dignity has not been tarnished even though their work has been justly assessed---just as a parent can discipline her child if the child knows her love is unconditional. Grace is precisely what makes hard conversations possible, and productive, between people. But you have to extend the grace first. One of my students said to me, so gently: “Should I be terminally ill later in life, I would want my son to act as you have.”
The Lesson of Grace in Teaching
Playing hide and seek
Playing hide and seek
Creativity is about connection—you must be connected to others in order to be inspired and share your own work—but it is also about disconnection. You must retreat from the world long enough to think, practice your art, and bring forth something worth sharing with others. You must play a little hide-and-seek in order to produce something worth being found.
Playing hide and seek
Being Bad at Things
Being Bad at Things
Instead, it was damn fun. The low expectations I had for myself let me enjoy just being terrible, and building from there.
Being Bad at Things
An Interview with Anna Wiener
An Interview with Anna Wiener
There’s a lot of talent pooled in Silicon Valley, and it’s hard not to look around at a lot of the companies here and feel that it’s a bit of a shame, a waste of potential. ​ There’s some conflation happening there, of moral value with economic value,
An Interview with Anna Wiener
Research Debt
Research Debt
An aspiring research distiller lacks many things that are easy to take for granted: a career path, places to learn, examples and role models. Underlying this is a deeper issue: their work isn’t seen as a real research contribution. We need to fix this. ​ It’s entirely possible to build paths and staircases into these mountains.That is, really outstanding tutorials, reviews, textbooks, and so on. The climb isn’t something to be proud of. The climb isn’t progress: the climb is a mountain of debt.
Research Debt
How to Eulogize an Animal
How to Eulogize an Animal
You can tell that the poet misses his pet, misses this unique relationship in his life that—itself like a star—helped orient him on certain too-quiet nights when he was lost at sea. It is a marvelous demonstration of how to write about animals: by using specific memories, and not anthropomorphizing them to such a degree that they lose their essential dogginess or catness or mongooseness, but, instead, by recognizing their striking, sometimes sublime differences from us, alongside their similarities. ​ Sometimes, it is enough, as Neruda understood, to have someone look at us to remind us we exist, and that someone, or something, cares that we do. ​ listening with drooping eyes and the occasional blustery sneeze.) He was wonderfully just-there, an uncritical receptacle for my childhood loneliness.
How to Eulogize an Animal