
Is Science Stagnant?
Is Science Stagnant?
...the evidence is that science has slowed enormously per dollar or hour spent. That evidence demands a large-scale institutional response. It should be a major subject in public policy, and at grant agencies and universities. Better understanding the cause of this phenomenon is important, and identifying ways to reverse it is one of the greatest opportunities to improve our future.
Is Science Stagnant?
On slowing down
On slowing down
What would happen if I let myself take a break, let myself rest, gave myself some time off from the checklists and the to-do lists and the need to publicly appear productive? Maybe I’ll lose some followers, maybe I won’t be first in people’s minds when they’re thinking of someone to speak at their conference, maybe I’ll stop getting put into random lists of “Cool Thought Leaders To Follow On Twitter Dot Com.” But I’m not going to lose my job or my apartment or stop being able to pay my bills if I give myself a break from “trying to be productive literally every single day.” Realistically, I’m pretty sure I’ll still be able to find things like speaking opportunities if I want them. I’m not going to disappear if I put down my armor and let myself relax for a little while.
On slowing down
“Math Twitter, have any favorite tips for making advanced math accessible to wide audiences?”
“Math Twitter, have any favorite tips for making advanced math accessible to wide audiences?”
@JadeMasterMath: There are lots of mathematical concepts which don’t have well written resources to learn about them. I think that explaining something in a clear way with a story arc can sometimes be enough. @jeremyjkun: Write about the topics that you learned, where there was a succinct phrase, picture, or idea that suddenly made it clear. Then arrange the whole blog post around getting the reader to that same understanding.
“Math Twitter, have any favorite tips for making advanced math accessible to wide audiences?”
Barry Mazur’s “When is one thing equal to some other thing?” memo
Barry Mazur’s “When is one thing equal to some other thing?” memo
Both modes of definition need a way of insisting on a certain “minimality” for the structure of natural numbers that they are developing. The Peano axioms formulate this “minimality” by dependence upon the domino effect of truth in a mathematically inductive context. The Peano category approach formulates “minimality” by considering the position of the natural numbers as a discrete dynamical system, among all discrete dynamical systems.
Barry Mazur’s “When is one thing equal to some other thing?” memo
Gwen Weston’s friendships zine
Gwen Weston’s friendships zine
This has been so exciting for me because (reason). Thanks for letting me share. What’s important about that to you? Likes don’t count, you can’t respond to them. The triangle of friendship is consistency, vulnerability, and connection, with the latter being the base. I’m going to continue to mingle. It was lovely to meet you/y’all! “Hi, I’m [Jasdev]! Mind if I join you?” Suffixing clothing compliments by asking where they got it from. We all want to be both seen and supported—in love, friendships, and work.
Gwen Weston’s friendships zine
There is an almost mystical element to this search for a quick fix; it is rooted in the same misguided beliefs that once led Ponce de Léon to search for a “fountain of youth” upon landing in the so-called New World, scouring the ponds, rivers, lagoons, and lakes of the Florida coastline for the mythic fountain. (There’s debate about whether this actually happened, or if the quest is itself a myth — but the myth’s endurance tells us about its staying power.) The fountain of youth would be the ultimate recharge — a reversal of time in a single instant. The contemporary recharge is about continuously undoing the day before, quickly erasing the wear and tear of living, creating a fresh start or a blank slate or a best self. But it’s aimed at a singular objective: productivity. At its heart, the myth of the recharge is about turning away from what might be broken about the structure of our society — the constancy of work, the absence of affordable healthcare, the expectation that we will be “plugged in” or “online” 24 hours a day — in search of short-term, generalizable solutions. We do not ask ourselves whether all this might be untenable, but instead what supplement we might take to make it a little more bearable. We rise and grind and rise and grind and sleep in between. We deplete, recharge, deplete, recharge.
An Interview with Emily Riehl
An Interview with Emily Riehl
The worst thing is how intellectually isolated we all are, how few people there are with whom we can share the insights that we find the most exciting, even among other mathematicians. For me personally I feel very frustrated that there is this huge part of my emotional life that most of the people whom I care about have no access to. ​ In a decade’s time, I hope I’m working on projects that I can’t even imagine now and have found a way to be a part of larger mathematical and public conversations.
An Interview with Emily Riehl
Why ‘Functor’ Doesn’t Matter
Why ‘Functor’ Doesn’t Matter
If we want a name to fully describe the concept it points to, then it must be a very simple concept indeed. ​ But we still have to explain what a Mappable is. “What’s a Mappable? Well, it’s something you can map over!” is a terrible explanation! It’s literally just the grammatic expansion of the word. All it does is move the question one bit further ​ Functor is hard to learn. It is not hard to learn because it is named Functor. If you renamed it to anything else, you’d have just as hard of a time, and you’d be cutting off your student from all of the resources and information currently using the word “functor” to refer to that concept.
Why ‘Functor’ Doesn’t Matter
Emily Riehl’s A Categorical View of Computational Effects talk
Emily Riehl’s A Categorical View of Computational Effects talk
Keynote by Dr. Emily Riehl C◦mp◦se :: Conference May 18, 2017 Slides: Monads have famously been used to model computational effects, although, curiously, the computer science literature presents them in a form that is scarcely recognizable to a category theorist — I’d say instead that a monad is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors, what’s the problem? ;) To a categorical eye, computational effects are modeled using the Kleisli category of a monad, a perspective which suggests another categorical tool that might be used to reason about computation. The Kleisli category is closely related to another device for categorical universal algebra called a Lawvere theory, which may be a more natural framework to model computation (an idea suggested by Gibbons, Hinze, Hyland, Plotkin, Power and certainly others). This talk will survey monads, Lawvere theories, and the relationships between them and illustrate the advantages and disadvantages of each framework through a variety of examples: lists, exceptions, side effects, input-output, probabilistic non-determinism, and continuations.
Emily Riehl’s A Categorical View of Computational Effects talk
Status as a Service
Status as a Service
Facebook News Feed simultaneously increased the efficiency of distribution of new posts and pitted all such posts against each other in what was effectively a single giant attention arena, complete with live updating scoreboards on each post. It was as if the panopticon inverted itself overnight, as if a giant spotlight turned on and suddenly all of us performing on Facebook for approval realized we were all in the same auditorium, on one large, connected infinite stage, singing karaoke to the same audience at the same time. ​ As humans, we intuitively understand that some galling percentage of our happiness with our own status is relative. What matters is less our absolute status than how are we doing compared to those around us. By taking the scope of our status competitions virtual, we scaled them up in a way that we weren't entirely prepared for. Is it any surprise that seeing other people signaling so hard about how wonderful their lives are decreases our happiness? ​ Facebook, with its explicit attachment to the real world graph and its enforcement of a single public identity, is just a poor structural fit for the more complex social capital requirements of the young. ​ Every network has some ceiling on its ultimate number of contributors, and it is often a direct function of its proof of work. ​ This season, the color of the moment might be saffron. Why? Because someone cooler than me said so. Tech tends to prioritize growth at all costs given the non-rival, zero marginal cost qualities of digital information. In a world of abundance, that makes sense. However, technology still has much to learn from industries like fashion about how to proactively manage scarcity, which is important when goods are rivalrous. Since many types of status are relative, it is, by definition, rivalrous. There is some equivalent of crop rotation theory which applies to social networks, but it's not part of the standard tech playbook yet. ​ but if I have anything to offer on that front, it’s this: if you want control of your own happiness, don’t tie it to someone else’s scoreboard.
Status as a Service
Selective applicative functors package
Selective applicative functors package
Selective Applicative Functors: Declare Your Effects Statically, Select Which to Execute Dynamically - GitHub - snowleopard/selective: Selective Applicative Functors: Declare Your Effects Staticall...
Selective applicative functors package
Operator fusion in RxJava
Operator fusion in RxJava
Introduction Operator-fusion, one of the cutting-edge research topics in the reactive programming world, is the aim to have two of more su...
Operator fusion in RxJava
A learning roadmap for Algebraic Topology
A learning roadmap for Algebraic Topology
From [Adrien Vakili]( General Topology Munkres -- Topology Chapter 1, sections 1-6 Chapter 2 Chapter 3, sections 1-2 Algebraic Topology Hatcher -- Algebraic Topology Provides good geometric intuition but avoids categorical language. Chapters 0, 1, 4 Strom -- Modern Classical Homotopy Theory More axiomatic/categorical treatment. Fomenko -- Visual Geometry and Topology For pictures.
A learning roadmap for Algebraic Topology
Teach debugging
Teach debugging
Thinking about the relationship between pieces was an exercise in frustration, a continual feeling that the solution was just out of reach, as concentrating on one part would push some other critical piece of knowledge out of my head. ​ Why do we leave material out of classes and then fail students who can't figure out that material for themselves? Why do we make the first couple years of an engineering major some kind of hazing ritual, instead of simply teaching people what they need to know to be good engineers? For all the high-level talk about how we need to plug the leaks in our STEM education pipeline, not only are we not plugging the holes, we're proud of how fast the pipeline is leaking.
Teach debugging