
Research As You Go
Research As You Go
But of course, email and social media and games are obvious distractions. In my experience, the more subtle threat -- particularly for non-fiction writers -- comes via the eminently reasonable belief that you’re not ready to start writing, because you haven’t finished your research yet. ​ But as much as I enjoy it, I have learned the hard way that you are never done with your research. Waiting around for the research phase to be complete is a recipe for infinite postponement. ​ when you’re researching in media res, the new ideas or details or stories that you stumble across are much more useful to you, because you can immediately see the slots where they belong.
Research As You Go
Less Religious
Less Religious
Perhaps this is because more folks are simply not religious and that makes talking about religion easier, kind of like the dynamic of knowing what you don’t like more than what you do like (or knowing what you don’t want to eat rather than knowing what you want to eat for dinner).
Less Religious
#84: Cloudgaze
#84: Cloudgaze
When cloud processes fail, interestingly, they fall out of the cloud, re-entering our purview as small cockpitpunk crises until we fix them and banish them back to the magical aether where they belong.
#84: Cloudgaze
On public criticism
On public criticism
I did all of this before writing any public criticism about because I want to be better. I love the core idea, and I'm already feeling bereft from no longer participating. But it's horrible to feel voiceless in a community you care about. I tried to make a difference and I kept hitting roadblocks. I tried to take my feedback directly to the creators and I felt ignored or brushed-off at every turn.
On public criticism
#83: At Home [They’re] a Tourist
#83: At Home [They’re] a Tourist
In 2006, Senator Ted Stevens infamously described the internet as a “series of tubes,” for which he was ridiculed, but his statement has aged well as a metaphor if not a literal description: a visual reminder of the wormholes we’re teleporting through to reach one another, the digital bridges and tunnels — the infrastructure we arrived by.
#83: At Home [They’re] a Tourist
Together We Go Far
Together We Go Far
At Peloton, we're redefining fitness from the ground up. We're building a powerful team of creators, innovators and collaborators that allows us to be the kind of company we need to be, when we need to be it. Join our team of engineers, designers, operations specialists, and more at
Together We Go Far
What's new with you?
What's new with you?
the ones with whom I can sit and stare out into the earth. but—if we’re being honest, and we are— they tackle-danced in the 2pm breeze. I bought a Casper Glow. It’s so silly, but it’s really good. But I’m quite happy, with—and you have to imagine me gesturing wildly all around me—all of this.
What's new with you?
I can’t solve the problem with coding
I can’t solve the problem with coding
Procedurally generated emails are sterile. I can’t do any of my fun little kitschy things like write about the weather or include corgi gifs. I’m going to inevitably spend more time running into arcane edge cases with this fifty-line script than I’ll spend actually writing the email.
I can’t solve the problem with coding
On failure
On failure
There’s a big difference between feeling like I did some things that were failures versus feeling that I myself am a failure. Rationally, I know I’m dealing with the former, but emotionally it feels much more like the latter. ​ Transitioning and moving to a new country weren’t career progress, but in retrospect they were necessary for me to get in a place where I could focus on my career again. ​ For me right now, that means figuring out how to be okay with things not feeling “Done”, and looking for ways to celebrate the progress I’ve made even when that isn’t wrapped up in easy-to-cupcake achievements. ​ and isolation is not good for burnout. ​ Focusing so much on discrete, publicly visible accomplishments made it harder for me to see the small, gradual pieces of progress that matter more to me at this point in my career – and life. I started the cupcakes as a way to demonstrate what it meant to celebrate my successes, and I hope that sharing this will help other people see what it might look like to sit with and learn from failures as well.
On failure
Cardhop for iOS Review: A Powerful New Alternative to Apple’s Contacts
Cardhop for iOS Review: A Powerful New Alternative to Apple’s Contacts
Although I expect most users are in the habit of initiating communication not from their contacts app, but from the appropriate communication apps like Messages, FaceTime, or Mail, actions are still a nice option to have, and with a bit of forceful habit change they could make Cardhop a powerful one-stop-shop for your communication needs. Just as Drafts is "where text starts," Cardhop could be "where communication starts."
Cardhop for iOS Review: A Powerful New Alternative to Apple’s Contacts
what even matters
what even matters
My own writing and knowledge exists to help you find ways to think about the problems only you can solve and questions to ask yourself to figure out how to proceed. ​ Asking for help or guidance isn’t wrong, it’s just not always required to proceed.
what even matters
We Need Chrome No More
We Need Chrome No More
What started as an avant-garde, standard-compliant browser is now a sprawling platform that spares no area of modern computing. ​ If it works as intended on Chrome, it’s ready to ship. This in turn results in more users flocking to the browser as their favorite Web sites and apps no longer work elsewhere, making developers less likely to spend time testing on other browsers. A vicious cycle that, if not broken, will result in most other browsers disappearing in the oblivion of irrelevance. And that’s exactly how you suffocate the open Web. ​ It also happens that Google’s business is search engine advertising and AdSense. Everything else is a measly 10% of their annual revenue. That in and of itself is not an issue, but when the line between the browser, the search engine, and online services is blurred, we have a problem. And a big one at that.
We Need Chrome No More
“Whenever I speak with anyone new to a medium and insecure about their work, I think about this passage from David Byrne’s ‘How Music Works”’
“Whenever I speak with anyone new to a medium and insecure about their work, I think about this passage from David Byrne’s ‘How Music Works”’
Whenever I speak with anyone new to a medium and insecure about their work, I think about this passage from David Byrne's "How Music Works," about how capitalism devalues amateur expression to encourage consumption.— Kevin Snow (@bravemule) March 6, 2019
“Whenever I speak with anyone new to a medium and insecure about their work, I think about this passage from David Byrne’s ‘How Music Works”’
switching between inboxes until i pass out
switching between inboxes until i pass out
Moving away from a city won’t change your relationship to work. Neither will meditating, or facials, or any of the other solutions to burnout that are actually about focusing you just enough to make you a better worker, instead of admitting that trying to work more — and focusing all of your self-bettering energy on that goal — is the problem itself. ​ rather, community, and reorienting oneself away from the American god of capitalism, might. ​ It’s going to take me a very long time to unlearn the idea that I’m only as valuable as my ability to work more than everyone around me. But I’m trying.
switching between inboxes until i pass out
Fire fixation.
Fire fixation.
Of the early Stripe lore I’ve encountered, my favorite is that it managed to accomplish a tremendous amount with a small team because folks moved so rapidly from one project to another project that, leaving an afterimage behind them, it appeared that they were everywhere simultaneously.
Fire fixation.