
Winnie Lim » the emptiness of information overload
Winnie Lim » the emptiness of information overload
Consuming information is an easy way to feel busy, or to escape the current world. But it creates a gaping hole that becomes harder to fill as time goes by, and in the aftermath it leaves an unpleasant sort of emptiness. Like any addiction.
Winnie Lim » the emptiness of information overload
Ben Samuels-Kalow’s Taub Lecture
Ben Samuels-Kalow’s Taub Lecture
Places like UChicago teach us to ask “what’s next” for our own advancement, to do this now so we can get to that later. I learned to ask “what’s next” to be as useful as possible to as many kids as I have in front of me.
Ben Samuels-Kalow’s Taub Lecture
Cabel Sasser’s XOXO ‘13 talk
Cabel Sasser’s XOXO ‘13 talk
Ostensibly, Panic makes Apple software, like the award-winning Transmit, Coda, and Status Board. But how many Apple software developers team up with the creator of Katamari Damacy to print and sell their official t-shirts, or manufacture a series of deadly accurate Atari 2600 boxes for non-existent games? Cofounder Cabel Sasser shares the unique story of how Panic stayed independent at all costs, as well as some of the challenges along the way. Recorded in September 2013 at XOXO, an arts and technology festival in Portland, Oregon celebrating independent artists using the Internet to make a living doing what they love. For more, visit Video thumbnail by Ian Linkletter: Intro Music: Broke for Free, "Breakfast with Tiffany"
Cabel Sasser’s XOXO ‘13 talk
Concept mapping example w/ linear independence
Concept mapping example w/ linear independence
Making concept maps are incredibly important in learning mathematics, far better than just a long list of isolated examples. I look at a key concept in Linear Algebra - Linear Independence - and make my own little concept map about it. You can be creative when you make your own, this is just what popped into my head, but the point is to always be thinking about the connections between different ideas first and foremost. ************************************************** Now it's your turn: 1) Summarize the big idea of this video in your own words 2) Write down anything you are unsure about to think about later 3) What questions for the future do you have? Where are we going with this content? 4) Can you come up with your own sample test problem on this material? Solve it! Learning mathematics is best done by actually DOING mathematics. A video like this can only ever be a starting point. I might show you the basic ideas, definitions, formulas, and examples, but to truly master math means that you have to spend time - a lot of time! - sitting down and trying problems yourself, asking questions, and thinking about mathematics. So before you go on to the next video, pause and go THINK. *************************************************** Want more ideas for learning math effectively? ►How to Watch Math Videos: ►5 Tips to Make Math Practice Problems Effective: **************************************************** ►Want some cool math? Check out my "Cool Math" Series: **************************************************** Course Playlists: ►Calculus I: ►Calculus II: ►Discrete Math: ►Linear Algebra: ***************************************************** ►Follow me on Twitter: ***************************************************** This video was created by Dr. Trefor Bazett, an Assistant Professor, Educator at the University of Cincinnati. BECOME A MEMBER: ►Join: MATH BOOKS & MERCH I LOVE: ► My Amazon Affiliate Shop:
Concept mapping example w/ linear independence
Problem solving techniques from Number Theory
Problem solving techniques from Number Theory
We look a few concepts and results from Number Theory that are commonly used in mathematics competitions. Solutions to two examples are also given, including one to the 1985 AIME. Please Subscribe: Merch: Personal Website: Randolph College Math: Randolph College Math and Science on Facebook: Research Gate profile: Google Scholar profile: If you are going to use an ad-blocker, considering using brave and tipping me BAT! Buy textbooks here and help me out: Buy an amazon gift card and help me out: Books I like: Sacred Mathematics: Japanese Temple Geometry: Electricity and Magnetism for Mathematicians: Abstract Algebra: Judson(online): Judson(print): Dummit and Foote: Gallian: Artin: Differential Forms: Bachman: Number Theory: Crisman(online): Strayer: Andrews: Analysis: Abbot: How to think about Analysis: Calculus: OpenStax(online): OpenStax Vol 1: OpenStax Vol 2: OpenStax Vol 3: My Filming Equipment: Camera: Lense: Audio Recorder: Microphones: Lights: White Chalk: Color Chalk:
Problem solving techniques from Number Theory
Jesse — Lucy Bellwood
Jesse — Lucy Bellwood
“Encouraging people is like the greatest feeling in the world.” And he did encourage people. One blogger recalls: “He was able to say …the things I needed to hear in a way that I actually heard them. [H]is support and encouragement changed my life. But this loss, like Dylan’s loss, feels like a smack in the face; a radical recalibration toward what brings us to this practice.
Jesse — Lucy Bellwood
Pumping the water
Pumping the water
Today I learned the valuable lesson of the dry run. Testing out a software upgrade on a test instance proved to be a comedy of errors. Th...
Pumping the water
Energy Surfing
Energy Surfing
Rather than fight it — or trying to surf a wave that isn’t there — he encouraged me to harness it. To breathe in the present moment and do the work that was in front of me.
Energy Surfing
Madeleine Bialke — Significant Other
Madeleine Bialke — Significant Other
The settings are stitched together with a color palette designed to read more as emotion than description. Light comes from mysterious sources, prioritizing symbolic meaning or emotional resonance over realistic interpretations. The resulting works come from a pursuit to add more context and understanding to places I purport to know, and to find reasons and ways to see them differently.
Madeleine Bialke — Significant Other
a little break
a little break
Although I tell myself the writing in here is low stress and just for fun, three essays a week is still a whole lot, and I’ve been feeling for a little while like I’m running on fumes.
a little break
Molly Brodak: In Memoriam
Molly Brodak: In Memoriam
“Love someone back,” she wrote in a poem that I read the first day I realized I already loved her and always would. “You just begin.” So I began. Sometimes if I close my eyes, I can go back into that moment, finding the colors now reflected against the flesh under my lids; I can imagine her posture and her size, her eyes wide open, taking it in; and then, whether it actually happened then or not, her shoulder at my shoulder, her left hand slipped into my right hand, forever there.
Molly Brodak: In Memoriam
We crave perfection because we want to feel safe.
We crave perfection because we want to feel safe.
Letting go of perfection will not make you lose control of yourself. Perfection is a false control to begin with, and letting go of it is you actually re-centering yourself within your own life. You don’t sum up other people by how perfectly they do every last thing in their lives. It’s their simple presence that makes all of these things beautiful and worthwhile. Could you learn to see yourself the same way?
We crave perfection because we want to feel safe.
Emily Riehl’s lecture on the Stable Marriage Problem
Emily Riehl’s lecture on the Stable Marriage Problem
In her Perimeter Public Lecture webcast on May 12, 2021, mathematician Emily Riehl will examine the fascinating mathematics providing a solution to the stable marriage problem, including the sexist implications underlying it and some real-world applications. Riehl, an associate professor of mathematics at Johns Hopkins University, has published more than 20 papers and two books on higher category theory and homotopy theory. Perimeter Institute (charitable registration number 88981 4323 RR0001) is the world’s largest independent research hub devoted to theoretical physics, created to foster breakthroughs in the fundamental understanding of our universe, from the smallest particles to the entire cosmos. The Perimeter Institute Public Lecture Series is made possible in part by the support of donors like you. Be part of the equation: Subscribe for updates on future webcasts, events, free posters, and more: Donate:
Emily Riehl’s lecture on the Stable Marriage Problem
Splash No. 152 — Faded Memories
Splash No. 152 — Faded Memories
We not only stand on the shoulders of giants but also work alongside them, destroying and collaborating, guided and guiding. And how can I act to make these days memorable, if not in my mind, then in my bones, in all that follows?
Splash No. 152 — Faded Memories
What is a polynomial?
What is a polynomial?
The resolution to this tension is that in general, a polynomial is not a function. You can associate a function with a polynomial by evaluating the polynomial for some value of x, but two different polynomials may correspond to the same function.
What is a polynomial?
Winnie Lim’s thread of RW highlights
Winnie Lim’s thread of RW highlights
starting a thread on notable highlights from my @readwiseio reviews (can’t promise it’ll be daily, it’s not a habit yet) — this is one of my all time favourites, this book significantly changed my life:— Winnie Lim (@wynlim) April 17, 2021
Winnie Lim’s thread of RW highlights
Tim Gowers’ thread on Adam Wagner’s work using reinforcement learning to close open graphy theory conjectures
Tim Gowers’ thread on Adam Wagner’s work using reinforcement learning to close open graphy theory conjectures
And it's also an interesting proof of concept -- it's hard to imagine that this is the end of the story. Maybe it can be worked into a simple "check your conjectures" tool that would be of great help to mathematical researchers. 6/6— Timothy Gowers (@wtgowers) May 1, 2021
Tim Gowers’ thread on Adam Wagner’s work using reinforcement learning to close open graphy theory conjectures
They need to realize that, as in a randomized algorithm, occasional failures are the inevitable byproduct of a successful strategy. If you always win, then you’re probably doing something wrong.
What really happened at Basecamp
What really happened at Basecamp
“There's always been this kind of unwritten rule at Basecamp that the company basically exists for David and Jason’s enjoyment,” one employee told me. “At the end of the day, they are not interested in seeing things in their work timeline that make them uncomfortable, or distracts them from what they’re interested in. And this is the culmination of that.”
What really happened at Basecamp
Piper Haywood wrote one of those very good posts last week — a cross-section of personal interests that manages to be both minutely specific and widely resonant.
Stoicism is not enough
Stoicism is not enough
A world with failing institutions may be survivable by the strong-willed, but a better world will always be one where strong institutions exist. If our surroundings are miserable, perhaps we’re better off acknowledging our malcontents. We should express our distress, and try to work together to change that environment, instead of reorganizing our inner feelings until we decide that the current (less optimal) world cannot possibly bother us. In a way this is a harder task than stoicism: It demands cooperation with others, which demands cultivating a much larger skillset than just willpower. Great empires, communities, and societies are not solo undertakings, they cannot be achieved by inner work. They require the attention of strong persons who refuse to discount the external world.
Stoicism is not enough