
Hot and Cold Observables
Hot and Cold Observables
Reactive Programming in Swift. Contribute to ReactiveX/RxSwift development by creating an account on GitHub.
Hot and Cold Observables
“Sometimes we to have to shave a few yaks to figure out what ‘better’ is. If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be ‘research.’”
“Sometimes we to have to shave a few yaks to figure out what ‘better’ is. If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be ‘research.’”
@rob_rix Sometimes we to have to shave a few yaks to figure out what "better" is. If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be "research."— Chris Parker (@ctp) February 13, 2014
“Sometimes we to have to shave a few yaks to figure out what ‘better’ is. If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be ‘research.’”
Soft Places
Soft Places
The night of the election, at 3am, New York was the quietest I had ever heard it, absolutely silent, but it didn’t feel at all like being alone. The silence was stuffed to bursting with presence, built out of all the other people awake and not making noise, people standing in the nowhere of a moment further into the future than they thought they’d ever have to get, the sound of thousands of champagne corks stuffed firm in their bottles, un-propelled. Pulling yourself out of the maelstrom and observing, for once a spectator rather than an actor, briefly relieved of consequence, as though you could pass ghostlike through the mass and volume of bodies and no one would feel a thing. No one could embrace you and walls couldn’t hold you. A pet is the image of a more merciful world, a life made only of tenderness. I always tell him, because another one of the reasons to have a cat, to care for an animal, is to get to say things that sappy and awful, to be allowed to be un-nuanced and unsophisticated, to love in an absolutely uncritical and un-rigorous way.
Soft Places
Robert Pinsky, The Art of Poetry No. 76
Robert Pinsky, The Art of Poetry No. 76
—with that eager, amateur’s love. Sometimes the ideas that mean the most to you will feel true long before you can quite formulate them or justify them. Or it might even be in actual school. In my classes, I ask the students to find a poem they like and to get it by heart. To see someone in their late teens or early twenties, often by gender or ethnicity different from the author, shaping his or her mouth around those sounds created by somebody who is perhaps long dead, or perhaps thousands of miles away, and the students bringing their own experience to it, changing it with their own sensibility, so that they’re both possessed and possessing—those moments have been very moving to me.
Robert Pinsky, The Art of Poetry No. 76
The decline of the phone call
The decline of the phone call
The distaste for telephony is especially acute among Millennials, who have come of age in a world of AIM and texting, then gchat and iMessage, but it’s hardly limited to young people. When  asked , people with a distaste for phone calls argue that they are presumptuous and intrusive, especi
The decline of the phone call
At the service, I read the eulogy below, which tried to explain why he was special to so many of us. Writing it was easy, at least in part because he wrote the best bits himself. The hard part was reading it. He was unabashedly silly. He laughed at his own jokes and at yours. He made it very easy to love him.
Widest Roman Prime
Widest Roman Prime
One of my favorite joke Twitter accounts is @wacnt. It tweets things Wolfram|Alpha can’t answer. I’ve asked Facebook M to figure out a few of them...
Widest Roman Prime
Sam's Desk Audio Setup
Sam's Desk Audio Setup
Recently, I replaced the headphones I've had for a long time with some new ones. I've used Beyerdynamic DT 770 for years (now discontinued). On a...
Sam's Desk Audio Setup
Don't work “remotely”
Don't work “remotely”
Depending on who you ask, “remote” working is either gaining steam in the tech industry or still a coveted-but-rare perk for the lucky few. A pattern that seems to be emerging is this: Tech giants …
Don't work “remotely”
This ‘Equity’ picture is actually White Supremacy at work
This ‘Equity’ picture is actually White Supremacy at work
Yes, the person who is on the slope requires a box or two to stand on, but it is only because they are on lower ground to start — not because they are shorter to begin with. As useful as the picture was in starting conversations around “Equality vs. Equity,” we are basically blaming the person for being short, when in reality, we aren’t standing on a level playing field to start. We aren’t *allowed* to stand on a level playing field.
This ‘Equity’ picture is actually White Supremacy at work
Secret Dunny Box
Secret Dunny Box
“I finally wrote a little about Secret Dunny Box: a bathroom installation that lets you listen to a secret message left for you by the previous visitor, but only if you leave a message for the next person.”
Secret Dunny Box
Frequent Quick Hits vs. Infrequent Deep Dives
Frequent Quick Hits vs. Infrequent Deep Dives
Of course, there are downsides to each model of relationship. People whose friendships primarily consist of sporadic deep dives probably feel a higher degree of loneliness day-to-day during dry spells in-between the deep dive nourishment. (If you’re in an intimate romantic relationship, this can be okay because you tend to share minutia/quick hits with your spouse so don’t need to lean on friends as much for this.) People whose friendships primarily consist of regular quick check-ins and texts and workday lunches probably feel some lack of depth with some of their so-called “close friends.” They realize that after years of “how was your day?” conversations and staying up to speed on the real time relationship drama or work battles that will someday be easily forgotten — they realize that they’ve never explored life’s deeper questions with their friend.
Frequent Quick Hits vs. Infrequent Deep Dives
No More Forever Projects
No More Forever Projects
It took me a long time to see past forever projects. I told myself that making promises gave beginnings gravity. I labeled my newsletter  a “lifelong project” not long after I started it. I called /mentoring a “movement” the day I announced it. Commitment marked a project as something w
No More Forever Projects
February Resolutions
February Resolutions
January was the month with a thousand days that would not die, but now it’s February and these tweets by my friend Mark Larson popped up in my head: What good is February? I used to think. February is a good month to die. February is a month for florists, with its Valentine’s Day bouquets and
February Resolutions