
Seed Stage Philanthropy
Seed Stage Philanthropy
The idea that groundbreaking work is driven by individuals probably makes sense to a lot of people, yet in practice, there’s no readily available funding for individuals Sometimes, an individual just needs a check, and a vote of confidence from someone they respect, to keep going. I found that formalizing the program actually helped to decouple it from my identity. It’s either that, or just go off the radar entirely and fund opportunities privately. I hadn’t planned on giving these grants a name at all, but a friend suggested I should, because it would make it something that the recipients could be proud of and take ownership in. After seeing a few more grant cycles, I think he was right. I was surprised to learn how many applicants said that the validation mattered more than the money. If I can help validate someone’s idea, amplify their work, or connect them to others, that’s often more meaningful than capital. I think these are potentially good ideas. I think someone ought to pursue them. But when I consider what gives me energy, I realize I have no desire to scale anything up here. I like having enough skin in the game to help me think about interesting questions in philanthropy, but this isn’t my full-time focus. The process of making new ideas legible to others is emotionally taxing.
Seed Stage Philanthropy
Joris Voorn @ Grand Palais for Cercle
Joris Voorn @ Grand Palais for Cercle
Joris Voorn playing a unique DJ set in the beautiful loggia of the Grand Palais, in Paris, for Cercle. Subscribe our channel for more videos: Subscribe our Spotify playlist: ☞ Joris Voorn ____ Video credits: Artist: Joris Voorn Venue: Grand Palais Produced by Cercle Executive producers: Philippe Tuchmann & Derek Barbolla Film directed by: Pol Souchier & Derek Barbolla Directors of photography: Anatole Vaillant, Jérémie Tridard Photographer: Mickael Fidjili Sound Engineer: Timothée Renard assisted by Aurélien Moisan Video mapping: ETC & Cosmo AV Technical partner (sound, light, truss): FL Group Special thanks to Grand Palais RMN for their all their help & their warm welcome. ______ Follow us on
Joris Voorn @ Grand Palais for Cercle
On Covering Webcams
On Covering Webcams
The problem isn’t your camera, it’s malware. Don’t install any software from unknown or sketchy sources, keep your OS up to date, and you should be fine. And if you do have malware on your Mac, the webcam is likely the least of your problems.
On Covering Webcams
Tracking Dependencies With
Tracking Dependencies With
A growing list of third-party libraries is something most development projects have to deal with it. On many projects it can be hard to figure out why a certain dependency was added, or whether it still makes sense to keep it. We can track dependencies through a document just like we track changes via a
Tracking Dependencies With
“Blogging changed that. Links were given generously, happily. It was a cooperative ecosystem, not a competitive ecosystem. The work of others made your work possible. Linking to their work made your work more useful to the reader. It was all good.”
“Blogging changed that. Links were given generously, happily. It was a cooperative ecosystem, not a competitive ecosystem. The work of others made your work possible. Linking to their work made your work more useful to the reader. It was all good.”
“Blogging changed that. Links were given generously, happily. It was a cooperative ecosystem, not a competitive ecosystem. The work of others made your work possible. Linking to their work made your work more useful to the reader. It was all good.”
Urinal Protocol Vulnerability
Urinal Protocol Vulnerability
When a guy goes into the bathroom, which urinal does he pick?  Most guys are familiar with the International Choice of Urinal Protocol.  It’s discussed at length elsewhere, but the basic prem…
Urinal Protocol Vulnerability
I was teaching writing all day but not writing myself, and on twitter so many people I knew were starting tinyletters, sending small paragraphs of heart-rending, un-pitch-able prose, family stories and recipes and album recommendations and lowkey erotica in little forward-marching scrolls of text that I’d read curled around my phone late at night while I couldn’t sleep. I was jealous of my students and I was jealous of everyone starting tinyletters and of everyone publishing essays, and of the world going on one bright achievement after another all around me. I wrote some paragraphs quickly, without looking, like muttering under my breath, told myself I didn’t have to edit it because no one would read it anyway, and hit send. The whole college application is a murderously hopeful document, and hope is the most mercenary emotion, the struck-match trick of salespeople and con artists and politicians, leaving the door unlocked at night, risking everything in a game to which no one told us the rules.
230 New Emojis in Final List for 2019
230 New Emojis in Final List for 2019
The final emoji list for 2019 has now been approved by the Unicode Consortium and includes a total of 230 new emojis coming to major platforms this year. Additions include previously drafted candidates such as a Flamingo, Otter, and Guide Dog, as well as a Waffle, Hindu Temple, Sari, Sloth,
230 New Emojis in Final List for 2019
Why the placebo effect is getting stronger
Why the placebo effect is getting stronger
One is that a placebo doesn’t change a person’s underlying biology related to the condition. Instead, it affects how the person experiences or reacts to an illness. In some settings, placebos can trigger the brain’s reward system,” Jeremy Howick of the University of Oxford, who is working on ways to maximize the placebo effect, told Quartz. “It releases chemicals that changes how people feel.” Another theory, from Nicholas Humphreys, a retired psychologist formerly at the London School of Economics, is that placebos are just a way of triggering the immune system. From a biological perspective, immune systems are a huge expense and may drain an animal’s energy reserve. So perhaps placebos act as a signal to get the immune system going. But none of those theories explain why the placebo effect is getting stronger. One explanation is advertising. The US and New Zealand are the only two countries where direct-to-consumer advertising of drugs is legal. The fact that more people are believing that pills work, means the stronger the placebo effect.
Why the placebo effect is getting stronger
Hot and Cold Observables
Hot and Cold Observables
Reactive Programming in Swift. Contribute to ReactiveX/RxSwift development by creating an account on GitHub.
Hot and Cold Observables
“Sometimes we to have to shave a few yaks to figure out what ‘better’ is. If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be ‘research.’”
“Sometimes we to have to shave a few yaks to figure out what ‘better’ is. If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be ‘research.’”
@rob_rix Sometimes we to have to shave a few yaks to figure out what "better" is. If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be "research."— Chris Parker (@ctp) February 13, 2014
“Sometimes we to have to shave a few yaks to figure out what ‘better’ is. If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be ‘research.’”
Soft Places
Soft Places
The night of the election, at 3am, New York was the quietest I had ever heard it, absolutely silent, but it didn’t feel at all like being alone. The silence was stuffed to bursting with presence, built out of all the other people awake and not making noise, people standing in the nowhere of a moment further into the future than they thought they’d ever have to get, the sound of thousands of champagne corks stuffed firm in their bottles, un-propelled. Pulling yourself out of the maelstrom and observing, for once a spectator rather than an actor, briefly relieved of consequence, as though you could pass ghostlike through the mass and volume of bodies and no one would feel a thing. No one could embrace you and walls couldn’t hold you. A pet is the image of a more merciful world, a life made only of tenderness. I always tell him, because another one of the reasons to have a cat, to care for an animal, is to get to say things that sappy and awful, to be allowed to be un-nuanced and unsophisticated, to love in an absolutely uncritical and un-rigorous way.
Soft Places
Robert Pinsky, The Art of Poetry No. 76
Robert Pinsky, The Art of Poetry No. 76
—with that eager, amateur’s love. Sometimes the ideas that mean the most to you will feel true long before you can quite formulate them or justify them. Or it might even be in actual school. In my classes, I ask the students to find a poem they like and to get it by heart. To see someone in their late teens or early twenties, often by gender or ethnicity different from the author, shaping his or her mouth around those sounds created by somebody who is perhaps long dead, or perhaps thousands of miles away, and the students bringing their own experience to it, changing it with their own sensibility, so that they’re both possessed and possessing—those moments have been very moving to me.
Robert Pinsky, The Art of Poetry No. 76
The decline of the phone call
The decline of the phone call
The distaste for telephony is especially acute among Millennials, who have come of age in a world of AIM and texting, then gchat and iMessage, but it’s hardly limited to young people. When  asked , people with a distaste for phone calls argue that they are presumptuous and intrusive, especi
The decline of the phone call
At the service, I read the eulogy below, which tried to explain why he was special to so many of us. Writing it was easy, at least in part because he wrote the best bits himself. The hard part was reading it. He was unabashedly silly. He laughed at his own jokes and at yours. He made it very easy to love him.
Widest Roman Prime
Widest Roman Prime
One of my favorite joke Twitter accounts is @wacnt. It tweets things Wolfram|Alpha can’t answer. I’ve asked Facebook M to figure out a few of them...
Widest Roman Prime