
Nested Mapping
Nested Mapping
“Free map functions express the nesting nicely: map: ((A) -> B) -> (Signal) -> Signal map: ((A) -> B) -> ([A]) -> [B] Then the nested map is function composition: (map < map): ((A) -> B) -> (Signal
Nested Mapping
Custom Ternary Operators in Swift
Custom Ternary Operators in Swift
Even though Swift only supports unary and binary operators for operator overloading, it's possible to implement our *own* ternary operators by declaring two separate operators that work together and using a *curried function* for one of the operators.
Custom Ternary Operators in Swift
“After 8pm, I tend to be very stupid and we don’t talk about this.”
“After 8pm, I tend to be very stupid and we don’t talk about this.”
This schedule went viral on Twitter with the caption: “Ursula K. Le Guin’s writing routine is the ideal writing routine.” It’s a lovely, lovely thing, but it should be pointed out that it was an “ideal” routine for her, too, as she says in the 1988 interview it’s excerpted from. (Left out: “I go to
“After 8pm, I tend to be very stupid and we don’t talk about this.”
Between Animal and God
Between Animal and God
We sleep, we watch Netflix, we smoke, we have sex, we laugh at cat memes and lie tangled in the sheets on a Saturday morning. On other days, we get out of bed, we comb our hair, we make witty comments in work meetings, we form mental models and test them out, we try to figure out what the world is all about, and - if we’re lucky - leave a legacy. This is what it means to be both animal and God: that particular human ability to hold both lowbrow and highbrow in a single state and, depending on the moment, dissemble and disavow knowledge of either one. Each person is part of the senseless miracle that put us not-animals-not-Gods into the universe.
Between Animal and God
Seemingly Impossible Swift Programs
Seemingly Impossible Swift Programs
I begin to feel that I can trust mathematics as a guiding beacon for how programming can be done well. This is why I feel strongly that simple mathematical constructs, like pure functions, monoids, etc., form a strong foundation of abstraction as opposed to the overly complicated, and often ad-hoc, design patterns we see in software engineering. ​ I spend a lot of my time trying to find new and creative ways to bring seemingly complex functional programming ideas down to earth and make them approachable to a wider audience. ​ but it does give us an opportunity to explore a strange and surprising result in computation and mathematics. It can help show that the connection between the two topics is perhaps deeper than we may first think.
Seemingly Impossible Swift Programs
Cemetry Gates
Cemetry Gates
I started thinking about this meme’s six-year journey from a dark corner of young Twitter to the florescent lighting of high-school-friend Facebook. I’ll argue are different ways of looking at the same thing: One is that a single Twitter user released this sentiment into the collective unconscious, or activated an existing sentiment, and that by going viral that sentiment has become thoroughly and invisibly embedded in the fabric of culture to such a degree that it now consistently reappears throughout the world. The other explanation is that creative originality, the kind we still police with terms like “plagiarism,” is even more of a myth than we realize, and we hadn’t faced that because we never had the tools to observe how much we repeat one another.
Cemetry Gates
I Should Have Written a JOMO Book.
I Should Have Written a JOMO Book.
You’re home alone, but watching your friends status updates tell of a great party happening somewhere. You are aware of more parties than ever before. [S]ocial software both creates and cures FOMO. Ultimately, though, this began as a conversation centered around joy. Isn't that a rare, and special, and fragile thing? How often do we talk about joy, let alone actively pursuing it or protecting it? I think pursuing joy, protecting peaceful moments, seeing our friends' happiness as a cause for celebration and not envy, and engaging with our lives on our own terms are quietly radical acts. It is a brave and meaningful thing to talk earnestly about joy at a time when so many aspire to, and delight in, destroying it.
I Should Have Written a JOMO Book.
“Hello, I’m a...” Nested Thread
“Hello, I’m a...” Nested Thread
Hi, I'm a lexicographer. You might know me from my greatest hits "Yes, People Still Write Dictionaries" "Language Is Constantly Evolving (And We’re Just Tryin’ To Keep Up)” and “No, That’s Not the Etymology of ‘Posh.’”— Jane Solomon (@janesolomon) January 20, 2019
“Hello, I’m a...” Nested Thread
Using Tally
Using Tally
I was recently asked on Twitter for practical examples of how I use Tally, made by Greg Pierce of Agile Tortoise. My response is way too long, even for the new 280-character limit, though, so I thought I’d write it up here. Note: This is not a paid endorsement.
Using Tally
On Rust’s Docs
On Rust’s Docs
“on a whim i started reading the rust docs and i have to say, i'm actually enjoying it; the encouragement, analogies, etc. 👍”
On Rust’s Docs
“....This reminds me of my fondest memories and makes me homesick for a world I have never been in.”
“....This reminds me of my fondest memories and makes me homesick for a world I have never been in.”
“Wow. Sometimes world-crafting with illustration is so powerful and evocative that it makes you want to live in the world the artist has drawn. This reminds me of my fondest memories and makes me homesick for a world I have never been in.”
“....This reminds me of my fondest memories and makes me homesick for a world I have never been in.”
New Feelings: Selfish Intimacy
New Feelings: Selfish Intimacy
“I wanted just to be there, enjoying the mundanity of a place that would soon be mythological to me. I also wanted to tour it like a stranger and send away dispatches — to friends who would never see it, to myself who could never go back, to no one in particular.” “Some pictures I texted to friends. Others I posted to my Instagram, which is slapdash and homely, with about as many followers as it deserves — I use the app like I once used Facebook, as a way of being ambiently with people I like, or to set up a dopamine drip while I’m doing something I’d rather not. My friends, flung out over the continent, were posting their own holiday or non-holiday pictures, and as much as I love my parents I felt homesick, as one does, for my independence. I live in a new city now, and Instagram was the simplest way to reconcile two lives.”
New Feelings: Selfish Intimacy
“James had this amazing way of being a total realist, seeing all of the world’s flaws and acknowledging them, and remaining passionate and optimistic.”