
On Keeping Your Word
On Keeping Your Word
Most people are pretty good at keeping promises to others. When I make an appointment with a busy person, even just for something as simple as a call, they almost never cancel on me. If they do have to, they almost always apologize and work to reschedule. This is true even if I don’t know
On Keeping Your Word
Diary of a 5-year-old
Diary of a 5-year-old
We have talked the 5-year-old into keeping a casual diary of sorts, and, while it’s so fun to see his days summarized in his little hyphenated paragraphs, it’s also really surprising, too. For instance, we’d thought that he had a terrible time on the day mentioned above! He moped around and complained about the heat
Diary of a 5-year-old
Welcome to human machine.
Welcome to human machine.
Developing a coherent content policy that addresses the challenges of today without actually suppressing free speech or tilting the scale towards any preferred political party is really hard. No one has figured it out. And no one will figure it out if they continue to do it in the dark. These companies want to look like they know what they're doing, so they periodically release adjustments or major shifts in their policies based on whatever major news event is taking place. These new policy proposals tend to fail miserably in meeting the actual needs of users and protecting the community that should represent that company’s most valuable asset.
Welcome to human machine.
Strike When The Iron Is Hot
Strike When The Iron Is Hot
Striking while the iron is hot is so important. I often thing of the Gotham Gal saying “get one.” It was absolutely the right thing to do and always is.
Strike When The Iron Is Hot
A Poem a Day
A Poem a Day
Ogle grew up in a house full of books, and studied literature in college. Reconnecting with poetry on the phone in his hand helped rekindle his love of the form. And undertaking a personal creative project helped shake him out of his funk. Thus, Pome was born.
A Poem a Day
Pome Author Index
Pome Author Index
Links to all 142 authors featured in the Pome poetry newsletter.
Pome Author Index
It happened before, it can happen again.— Andy Baio (@waxpancake) August 10, 2018
Off Days
Off Days
As you grow more and more senior in an organization, the time you spend coding is less valuable than the time you spend writing, and the abstractions you provide are at the social level rather than the technical one.
Off Days
Paavo on Bill Hamel’s Death
Paavo on Bill Hamel’s Death
“There's been a lot of talk about Mental Health, but I prefer the term Mental Fitness - it's something we can train, work at, and get better at. And often, it's even more fun together. So let's share the bad, and the good - @paavo_s”
Paavo on Bill Hamel’s Death
Daily Books
Daily Books
Daily Books— Zack Shapiro (@ZackShapiro) August 2, 2018
Daily Books
Dealing with Hard Problems
Dealing with Hard Problems
“The people you know who seem wicked smart, and who seem to come up with ideas much faster than you possibly could, are often people who have simply thought about the issues for much longer than you have.”
Dealing with Hard Problems
Writing Club
Writing Club
“But what will matter more in ten years? A hundred? The only things that will outlive me are my writing and my cast iron skillet.”
Writing Club
What’s Your Life Strategy?
What’s Your Life Strategy?
There’s a lot of discussion about specific tactics you should use in life to become successful: what productivity app you should use, which exercises to be fit, where to invest your money. Missing from this is the question of how do you think about the big questions in your life? Not just where you spend
What’s Your Life Strategy?
Time is on Apple’s side
Time is on Apple’s side
“The rise in communication options has turned what was confined by four walls into something more porous and fluid. And perhaps that is why I argue, that we need to think of time differently.”
Time is on Apple’s side
Qualitative Success in Writing
Qualitative Success in Writing
“Why not write for an audience of one? Craft the most personal letter to one of your friends, and send it. Can you make them cry with joy? Make that your goal.”
Qualitative Success in Writing
What Work Is
What Work Is
We stand in the rain in a long line
What Work Is
Lazy Sunday
Lazy Sunday
Every week’s edition of the newsletter keeps becoming my favorite.
Lazy Sunday