
Barely Managing
Barely Managing
CocoaLove focuses on talks which don’t deprecate as soon as you leave. In 2015, Matt gave this talk. Matt lead teams that make software at Tumblr, and makes software himself with his partners at Lickability. His talk was about why you might want to step away from the keyboard and into leadership, and what happens when you do. It’s about the difference between managing programs and managing people.
Barely Managing
Activist Engineering
Activist Engineering
You’ve been there. You’re sitting in a meeting and your boss, a product manager, or an executive is talking about Q2 goals. They’re laying out a roadmap of the features that are going to be “coming down the pike”. All of a sudden you see it.
Activist Engineering
Twitter Bootstrap
Twitter Bootstrap
As a technical challenge, Bootstrap just isn’t very interesting. It’s trying to provide a collection of components — components like modals, tooltips, and grids that have been around the Web forever…
Twitter Bootstrap