
#capitalism #via-jason-brennan
please make more creative tools that 1) are not controlled by a publicly traded entity, 2) can be owned and used indefinitely instead of rented.
please make more creative tools that 1) are not controlled by a publicly traded entity, 2) can be owned and used indefinitely instead of rented.
please make more creative tools that 1) are not controlled by a publicly traded entity, 2) can be owned and used indefinitely instead of rented. artists having to rent their tools concentrates capital and ensures only certain people can create, concentrating *cultural* capital.
please make more creative tools that 1) are not controlled by a publicly traded entity, 2) can be owned and used indefinitely instead of rented.
The Last Taboo (by Toby Schachman)
The Last Taboo (by Toby Schachman)
Laziness is the taboo of our generation. I hope future cultures will look back and see that we were obsessed with working all the time. Anyone who wasn’t working enough felt ashamed. Be more productive! Your worth as a person is only as good as your job title / how much money you make / however you fit in to the production-consumption system. ​ If you think this would be a better way for all of us to live, I think the key to realizing it is finding an alternative value system other than identifying our human worth based on the work we do. This is difficult. Most people have no idea how to understand their place in the world except in relation to their job. Who am I? I’m a role at institution.
The Last Taboo (by Toby Schachman)
“Whenever I speak with anyone new to a medium and insecure about their work, I think about this passage from David Byrne’s ‘How Music Works”’
“Whenever I speak with anyone new to a medium and insecure about their work, I think about this passage from David Byrne’s ‘How Music Works”’
Whenever I speak with anyone new to a medium and insecure about their work, I think about this passage from David Byrne's "How Music Works," about how capitalism devalues amateur expression to encourage consumption.— Kevin Snow (@bravemule) March 6, 2019
“Whenever I speak with anyone new to a medium and insecure about their work, I think about this passage from David Byrne’s ‘How Music Works”’