
Curtis Herbert's Dynamic Type Talk Slides
Curtis Herbert's Dynamic Type Talk Slides
Curtis just spent the last two weeks updating his app Slopes to support Dynamic Type. You might have heard of UIFontMetrics, or you might not have. But you probably didn’t sweat the pixels to make sure you top and bottom margins were baseline-height appropriate ;). He’ll share how he went about adapting to various sizes within dynamic type, and tricks to better mimic the behavior of built-in UI classes (like TableViews).
Curtis Herbert's Dynamic Type Talk Slides
On using iOS full-time for writing
On using iOS full-time for writing
Every time I take my iPad out to the cafe instead of my laptop to encourage myself to get some writing done, I’m reminded that if I were primarily a writer, there’s no doubt in my mind I’d be using iOS full time by now.
On using iOS full-time for writing
iOS Resources
iOS Resources
“So, iOS nerds: People often ask me for the best resources to learn iOS development and my list is out of date and in need of a refresh. What links, videos, books, courses, apps, etc. do you send to people who want to learn how to write iOS apps?”
iOS Resources