For reasons I’m sure my therapist could tell you, I wanted to be the kind of person worth celebrating, and didn’t realize that the only thing standing in the way was my own fear of taking up that space for myself.
Paste Parties: The Ephemeral, Chaotic Joy of Random Clipboards
It’s a momentary snapshot of digital ephemera, to be used and immediately discarded, much of it never meant to be seen by anyone and stripped of all context.
I’d rather spend my time with my family or doing things outside or learning new things than making software every waking moment. Now when I work on things on the side, it’s because I want to.
“What if birthdays were a time of sharing the impact the person has had on you, or noticing changes in them they might not be aware of themselves.”
“So since it's my birthday, please answer one of these prompts: “What's your favorite memory of me?” “What an impact I've had on you that you haven't shared with me?” “What's the biggest change you've seen in me since you first met me (or in the last year)?””