
#anne-helen-peterson #work #emotion
Mister Rogers And The Dark Abyss Of The Adult Soul
Mister Rogers And The Dark Abyss Of The Adult Soul
— like seeing a good friend, long neglected, after so many years. ​ He asks him questions, and then more questions, and waits through silences when Lloyd can’t answer them. ​ — instead of sitting with those feelings, again, we work. Because work means money, and money brings a modicum of stability, and relief, however temporary, from that same fear. Work doesn’t actually give us peace or solve our problems. But for a lot of us, it’s what we’re good at and what we know, which is far more comforting than staring at the abyss of what we don’t. ​ He brings us back to the openheartedness of childhood, when we lacked the skill to deflect, or compartmentalize, or resort to work. ​ nonetheless a practice: a decision, made every day, to care deeply about others, but also to refuse to insulate himself from the emotions that care requires.
Mister Rogers And The Dark Abyss Of The Adult Soul