Nikhil Sethi’s Ripple, 2020 Edition
Yes, we give feedback and encouragement and suggestions, but we also bond over our art, letting each other in on the oft-solitary process of figuring out our thoughts and our stories. We push each other, teach each other, and ultimately shape each other and our work. A page to remind everyone what art is — love from many sources, shaped by an individual, to be shared. You release your belief that everything has to do with you and that you are in complete control. This is not a passive act. It involves working in favor of things that you surrender to and accepting that the results of your actions are not in your control. Dropbox mirror:
Up and to the Where?
A beauty and order that language fails to describe but math, art and music do a better job of conveying. That against all odds, I - a collection of atoms consisting mostly of empty space - has the chance every single day to experience and explore this incredible universe. And that the only logical thing in the face of all these realizations is to enjoy, celebrate, and try my best to preserve that beauty.
Less Religious
Perhaps this is because more folks are simply not religious and that makes talking about religion easier, kind of like the dynamic of knowing what you don’t like more than what you do like (or knowing what you don’t want to eat rather than knowing what you want to eat for dinner).
switching between inboxes until i pass out
Moving away from a city won’t change your relationship to work. Neither will meditating, or facials, or any of the other solutions to burnout that are actually about focusing you just enough to make you a better worker, instead of admitting that trying to work more — and focusing all of your self-bettering energy on that goal — is the problem itself. rather, community, and reorienting oneself away from the American god of capitalism, might. It’s going to take me a very long time to unlearn the idea that I’m only as valuable as my ability to work more than everyone around me. But I’m trying.