
#apple #brent-simmons
Comparing Reactive and Traditional
Comparing Reactive and Traditional
It’s a collection of small functions and properties without a linear story. ​ Part of me does not want to encourage people to use RxSwift for the reasons I’ve outlined. But part of me very much wants to encourage people to use RxSwift — because change comes, in part, from the community pushing the state of the art. ​ But if you do use it, and some time in the future there’s a nice, declarative way of handling events and dealing with state, then I’ll have you to thank for helping make that come true.
Comparing Reactive and Traditional
inessential: 14 Mar 2019
inessential: 14 Mar 2019
The articles are often very well done and beautifully illustrated — and it would be to the benefit of Apple, and app developers, if these articles were findable and readable by people sitting in front of a computer.
inessential: 14 Mar 2019