
An Engineer’s guide to Stock Options
An Engineer’s guide to Stock Options
This guide is an attempt to correct some of the imbalance in information between companies and employees, and explain in plain English the whole stock option process. ​ Don’t be deceived if you’re offered a large number of shares without any mention of the number of shares currently outstanding. Many companies are reluctant to share this kind of information and claim it’s confidential. ​ The last thing worth mentioning here is that if you’re buying vested shares before you leave the company, than I strongly suggest you look into filing a “83(b) election”, which could significantly decrease the amount of tax you have to pay. A full explanation of 83(b) elections is a guide in itself, but essentially they let you pay all your tax liabilities for both vested and un-vested stock early, at the current 409A valuation (even if the valuation subsequently increases). ​ It’s much easier to find out the answers to these questions when you’re still at the company, so I suggest you get this information before you leave if at all possible.
An Engineer’s guide to Stock Options
How Much Money Means You Don’t Have to Worry?
How Much Money Means You Don’t Have to Worry?
A little struggle never really hurt anyone, but too much struggle can strangle anything. Even a 30-year relationship. My parents argued constantly about bills for the last 20 years of their relationship, maybe especially when the argument wasn’t about the bills. I watched their marriage burn until it fizzled out into two adults who lived under the same roof and only communicated through their four kids. ​ The things people forget about when they try to tell you money can’t buy happiness. ​ Really, in the end, all I want is enough money to never worry about money. I just don’t know if that amount exists.
How Much Money Means You Don’t Have to Worry?
On opening up about income as a working writer
On opening up about income as a working writer
“As I said last year, I have no idea how what I make compares w other writers. I'm sharing bc I think writers should be talking more about $$$ and finances and the realities of writing, because these realities affect who can afford to write, and whose voices are heard.”
On opening up about income as a working writer